Culture James Pocock Culture James Pocock

A quick chat with Arylith & Baldie

Massive sat down with Cameron Fox aka “Arylith” and Ethan Baldy aka “Baldie”, two electronic musicians from Massey, to learn how they came to make their music and the process behind their latest collaboration effort, Collision.

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Culture Caroline Moratti Culture Caroline Moratti

How to do a Yardie:

Yardies are the backbone of a good 21st. There’s nothing quite like drinking 1.4 litres of beer in one go, surrounded by your friends and family. God bless.

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Features, Culture Massive Reporters Features, Culture Massive Reporters

Beings I’ve met on acid.

Sit back, relax. Melt into the couch, stare into the depths of the universe. With the right chemical additive, the universe will stare back, showing you possibilities you’ve never dreamed of, or perhaps something you dreamed but never dared to remember.

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Culture Elizabeth Wake Culture Elizabeth Wake

Top 10 Vegan Snacks Under $5

Picture this: a hot vegan has invited you round to their place for some Netflix and chill. You’re trembling. You don’t want to fuck this up... not after last time. No, this time you’re prepared.

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Culture, Features Caroline Moratti Culture, Features Caroline Moratti

The Golden Ratio

Often we, as simple students, forget such principles and lose sight of the Golden Ratio. Sometimes for taste, such as enjoying white wine over red or having a favourite brand of beer, but mostly because we’re all not very good at maths, which is why we’re at Massey University.

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