What Your Coffee Order Says About You:

Hot Chocolate:  

Hot Choccie.png

You tried coffee once and found it too *spicy*, so you order this to feel included on coffee runs. You’re probably a little sensitive, and cry watching David Attenborough. If you ask for specific-coloured marshmallows, trust me the barista hates you.  



You’re in it for the buzz, you like that it makes your brain go zoom. You feel like you’re a part of the coffee crew, but know you’re being judged by flat white drinkers. You’re definitely a bottom, sorry :/.  

Flat White:  


When you started drinking coffee you just ordered what your mum always got, and now you’re stuck with it. You think you’re a regular at your local coffee shop, but the staff there swear they’ve never seen you before. You rule the coffee runs.  

Iced Latte:  

Iced Latte.png

You’re impatient and always in a rush. You can’t stand it when you order an iced coffee and an ice cream filled monstrosity is brought out to you. Also, you’re probably hot.  

Caramel Latte:  

Caramel Latte.png

Everyone says you’re basic and that’s hurtful, ya know. You’ve got layers, you take risks, one time you ordered a medium curry by accident and your eyes didn’t even water. You’ve got a taste for the finer things in life, those flavour shots don’t come cheap.  

Long Black: 

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You love a coffee date, but not the dairy induced shits that come with it. You feel a strong sense of pride when you order your black coffee among your flat white friends. Coffee fuels your cold heart and you wear Doc Marten’s.  


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You went to Italy with your family in 2015. You judge other coffee drinkers and emphasise that you “just couldn’t have that much milk”. You probably pronounce espresso EX-presso.  

Short Black:  

Short Black.png

You’re definitely on some kind of business call when you order your coffee in the morning. You looove the taste of dirt and pretend it tastes amazing. You’ve never owned a keep-cup and like how fancy the tiny cup makes you feel.  


Massey is about to overhaul your non-tuition fees. Do they care what you think? Yeah, nah.


Artist Profile: George Turner