A breakdown of the Yellow Wiggle Drama

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You may have seen on your Facebook newsfeed (if you still check it), that Emma Watkins got engaged. 

Who the fuck is Emma Watkins? Well, she’s the motherfuckin’ Yellow Wiggle. First of all, I didn’t even know they had a female Wiggle (#girlboss #yasqueen, whatever). Apparently, she joined in 2012, when most of us had probably stopped engaging with the wiggles, replacing Greg, the Yellow Wiggle before her.  

The love lives of children’s performers is probably a pretty niche topic, but Emma Watkins is kind of an icon. She’s the first ever female Wiggle which is kind of significant because now instead of watching adult men dance around in coloured shirts, children will see that women can also wiggle. She made waves at the end of the last year when the Wiggles offered a pants alternative to her iconic black and yellow skirt. A woman in PANTS? Blasphemy. She is genuinely a badass though, she’s been open about her struggle with endometriosis, when it stopped her from performing a few years ago.  

She announced her engagement to fellow Wiggles performer Oliver Brian while in New Zealand on their 25-show tour. Seriously, New Zealand is not that big. The Wiggles have got to be loaded.  

The story gets even more interesting when you dig deeper, as this is not the first Wiggles performer Emma Watkins has been romantically involved with. In 2016, she married none other than the Purple Wiggle, Lachlan Gillespie (let’s just call him Purple). The pair split in 2018, allegedly it was drama-free. I’m not one to speculate but perhaps we have a Wiggle affair on our hands. Purple Wiggle was one of the first to express his support for the lovebirds, by commenting a series of hearts under Emma’s Instagram post. Perhaps he’s a little too supportive? There’s definitely something fishy going on, I mean two inter-Wiggle relationships. What are the chances? My money is on a strange incestual cult vibe, but again, not one to speculate.  

So, the Yellow Wiggle is about to marry a fellow performer, and there’s a rumour they’ve secretly eloped! Emma Wiggle was seen with what appeared to be a wedding band, but these rumours are unconfirmed at this stage. I’ll try score a Massive spot at the wedding of the century.  

Love you, Emma. 


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