What does your degree say about your interior design choices?



You should know someone is a vet student the second you enter their room, because they make it their entire personality. Their notes obnoxiously pinned and scattered across their entire back wall, because they’re dedicated and they need you to know it. A fucking cringe poster or cushion saying some shit like ‘I’m a vet tech, what’s your superpower?’ or ‘I can’t, I’m in vet school’. And, to top it off, very graphic diagrams and anatomy of animal intestines. We shouldn’t be grossed out by it, it’s natural. If you’re grossed out by it, you obviously don’t have what it takes to be a vet. 


It’s a given that every business student’s favourite film is gonna be the fucking ‘Wolf of Wall Street’. To remind them of why they absolutely froth being superior to everyone else as a business major, a shrine dedicated to the movie may be set up in the corner in all its glory. Of course, it’s go big or go home: life-size Leo DiCaprio cut-out, candles with all their favourite quotes they try to throw into as many conversations as possible, and a tasteful tapestry of Margot Robbie herself. They don’t care who sees it - if anyone judges, that’s just their ignorance about stockbroking showing, bro. But  business students aren’t all work and no play… their gigantic bong will be proudly on display too.


The word ‘culture’ is literally in the word, so you already know these folks are gonna be classy as fuck. You might be greeted by a collection of VB cans and Speight’s bottles stacked up, a beautiful exhibition of just how much piss they can sink on a Saturday night. A couple stolen road cones strewed along the carpet, another example of just how wild they are. And, of course, they don’t just stop at the stolen road cones. There’s usually a cheeky road sign hung up somewhere too, that’s just how rowdy they get. 


Now, we all know to get into aviation, you have to be hella smart. How do we know this? Because aviation students frame their dux certificate and hang it above their bed, hoping that the next person they do from behind will look at it the whole time. But, just because they’re dux, that doesn’t mean they’re boring. Baggies galore with traces of MDMA lie along their desk, because that’s the only drug that leaves their system quickly enough for their weekly drug tests. Think smarter, not harder. 

Fine Arts: 

Every fine arts student likes to think they’re original, creative, and never seen before. Hate to break it to you, but if you’re a fine arts student and you think your room is super quirky, it’s probably just a carbon copy of everyone’s bedroom board on Pinterest. Your Vincent Van Gogh pillow doesn’t make you look that cultivated. We don’t care if your plants are real or fake, and having real ones isn’t that much more ‘aesthetically pleasing’. We’re not that impressed by the fact you read Rupi Kaur, everyone does. And you’re not an ‘old soul’ just because you own a vinyl record player, we all know it gets used probably once a month max when you’re feeling particularly eccentric. 


Nursing students know how much stress affects your health more than anyone on the planet. And, they won’t stop reminding you of how a lot of stress comes from the state of one’s bedroom. Therefore, their room will be in perfect shape to lengthen their life. A salt lamp purely for medical benefits, a very organised whiteboard, no clutter in sight, and the colour white everywhere to soothe their soul. The slightest bit of mismatching shades would throw them into a frenzy. Can’t forget the vodka and wine bottles used as decoration even though, as nursing students, they should really know that alcohol isn’t good for them. 


Without coffee, psychology students simply cannot function. It’s just a fact at this stage. Therefore, their collection of reusable coffee cups is particularly impressive. You’d think as a pysch major, they would’ve figured out a way to train their brain to ALWAYS remember their reusable cup when they go out. But no, they always end up buying another one. And, let’s be honest, they probably keep their old prefect badges, their school leavers certificate, and their high school blazer to remember the ‘good old days’. Yup, they peaked in high school. 


Don’t tell a communications student that your favourite movie is the Smurfs, unless you want the most horrific glare of judgement staring you right in the face. They only watch ‘good movies’ - The Godfather, Pulp Fiction, Schindler’s List. Their movie taste is distinguishably presented on their walls through classic movie posters, with the above films guaranteed to be on show. Just like fine arts students, comms students live for the aesthetic. Another guaranteed - neon LED lights (with the colour according to their mood), and disposable cameras lying around (because phone camera shots aren’t pretentious enough to post on the gram). Except, what’s the fucking point of trying to be aesthetic when their single bed mattress doesn’t have a frame and they own one pillow?  


Sorry to Bother You :/


Manawatū and Albany students pay more fees than Wellington and distance students