Top 10 Vegan Snacks Under $5


Picture this: a hot vegan has invited you round to their place for some Netflix and chill. You’re trembling. You don’t want to fuck this up... not after last time. No, this time you’re prepared. 

Eating vegan, and catering for the hot vegans in your life, can be easy. Massive compiled a list of delicious, cheap snacks for your next “movie night” or study binge. Eat your heart out, readers.

  1.  Sour Patch Kids 

$3.29 from Countdown 

If you don’t know what these are, get out. Seriously. “Sour. Sweet. Gone.” Even the slogan doesn’t do them justice. Nearly everyone has experienced the unexpected sour kick when they pop one into their mouth for the first time. They aren’t for everyone but are still a well-loved candy around the world. It might come as a surprise that they appear on this list, but they are indeed vegan! I discovered them through my older sister, who often had them stashed away in her room for when we had to go to bed.  

One time I ate so many they made me sick. No regrets. 

  1.  NZ Kettle Korn 

$3.49 from Countdown 
Kettle Korn was a recently discovered addiction of mine, much to the displeasure of my bank account. I was attracted to the salty taste and the comfort that I was doing a service to my body by not buying those Very Unhealthy Chippies that I would snack on during my next Netflix binge. 

Disclaimer: They are still unhealthy. 

  1.  Nature Valley Crunchy Granola Bars 

$3.50 from Countdown (on special… usually $4.50) 

Due to the fact that this list is mostly made up of junk food, I attempted to find something a little healthier for those that look after their bodies. As I don’t usually eat Granola Bars, I bought myself a pack to try so I could give an honest review. To my immense surprise, I loved them! They’re the perfect vegan snack for the times you are rushing between classes with no time to eat. 

It also came as a surprise that just because something is good for you, doesn’t mean it will taste like shit. Take notes. 

  1.  BBQ Shapes 

$3.30 from Countdown 

You know the vibes. Sitting on your bed binging the latest Netflix series while demolishing a box of Shapes crackers. Well, that’s my experience anyway. Once again, we have a pretty well-known snack coming out as vegan. Just be wary before grabbing all your fave flavours after reading this as, Barbecue seems to be the only vegan one at this point in time (at least out of the original flavours… we don’t speak of the rest). Considering that barbecue tends to be a flavour associated with meat, it’s kinda weird, but it’s not our place to question, only to enjoy.  

So now you know. BBQ Shapes. The perfect birthday present for your friend whose favourite things in the world are food and plants… which basically describes every university student. 

  1.  Farmbake Peanut Brownie Cookies 

$4 from Countdown 

I wanted to put these cookies on the list because I know there are a fair amount of students (myself included) who aren’t particularly big fans of peanuts. I went on a quest to the supermarket and bought a bag of them to share around my flat and the others just down the hall. The responses were varied, with most being super positive. It was only those like me (sorry to all the peanut lovers out there) who just ate the one and politely refused another. I’m sure the rest of the bag, however, will disappear over the next couple of days. 

Even though they weren’t my favourite, I still really enjoyed them! It’s definitely a great late-night snack for anyone up late watching an episode or completing their assignments 10 minutes before they’re due, which I definitely have not done before. 

  1.  Peckish Thins 

$2.19 from Countdown 

I’m sure we’ve all found a pack of these hiding in the back of the pantry for the rare times our parents had someone visiting who felt like eating cheese and crackers. Maybe they were there for those times you desperately hunted for something, anything, to satisfy your hunger. Whatever the reason, they are a snack that could easily be found in most homes or flats. Even better, they’re vegan! Be sure to tell everyone within shouting distance, as they will definitely want to know. 

Fun fact: Each serving is under 90 calories (20g) and they're also gluten-free! I don’t know why I sound like a sponsored ad right now, but you know what, I don’t care.  

  1.  Whittaker’s Dark Chocolate (over 50%) 

$4.20 from Countdown 
This one is for all the chocolate lovers out there. All types of Whittaker’s dark chocolate over 50% cocoa (except caramel) is vegan! But isn’t milk an ingredient? Nope! As long as it’s dark chocolate, over 50%, and not one of the caramel flavours, you’re good to go. Just don’t go and eat an entire block in one sitting, okay? Bad idea. It just feels so good in the moment.  

  1.  Essentials Dark Chocolate Button 

$2.50 from Countdown 

Speaking of chocolate, we have the perfect snack for the hungry student wistfully looking through their half-empty pantry. Are these healthy? No. Are they meant as a midnight snack? Probably not. Am I heading off to buy them on my next supermarket run? Hell yes. 
Realistically, they’re meant for baking, but what’s stopping you from sneaking a few during your next movie marathon with the flatties? Absolutely nothing. As an added bonus, someone might be motivated enough to use them to bake cookies, thus giving you more food. Genius? I think yes. 

  1.  Mother Earth Soy Mix 

$3.30 from Countdown 

Here it is, the ideal healthy snack for those days you so badly want to be productive but can’t quite manage to get further than a trip to the kitchen. This is definitely one of my favourites. It’s tasty, light and surprisingly not bad for your body. If you ever see one of these packets sitting all alone on a supermarket shelf, be sure to give it a try! 

Not only do Mother Earth snacks have no added MSG and no artificial colours, flavours or preservatives, but they are also a source of fibre (yay!). Although, honestly, MSG is fucking delicious and I wouldn’t be mad if they had some. We need to stop the MSG hate, guys.  

  1. Smarties 

Last, but certainly not least, are Smarties! No, not those ones, the other ones. 

Remember those candy necklaces we used to find at dairies when we were little? Turns out they’re vegan! They also have the same name as the chocolate Smarties manufactured by Nestlé that are sold in supermarkets (which are sadly not vegan). The Smarties I am referring to, which are sold by the Smarties Candy Company, are apparently marketed as Rockets in Canada to avoid confusion. It seems we didn’t get the heads up about that one. 

These candies were a huge part of all our childhoods. We saw them at Christmas parades where they were thrown into the crowd, and hidden away in gifts bags at classmate's birthday parties. It only seems fitting that they’re included on this list.  

When I started writing this article, I didn’t realise how many things I eat and drink each day are actually vegan. I hope the things I discovered help you as much as they did me! Being sustainable is easy, and also delicious.  


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