Solicited Advice
Solicited advice is a weekly column where an underqualified anonymous guru answers the questions you want answered.
Confessions of a Former Massey Student (who wasted their precious time)
Confessions of a is an anonymous column that looks to unearth viewpoints from unique individuals at Massey University.
Worst of The Worst Movie Reviews: The Disappointments Room (2016)
Welcome to the Worst of the Worst Movie Reviews. Every week I’ll be watching the worst rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes so you don’t have to.
Editorial: We’re back and editorially independent as ever.
With open arms and numb fingers from the broken AC in our office, I welcome you all back to the sanctuary of student news, the haven of hot gossip, Massive Magazine. Over the summer break, you may have seen some controversy surrounding our magazine’s editorial independence. Today, after not being asked to share the first magazine with any old people, I can confidently announce we are as editorially independent as ever!
Solicited Advice
Solicited advice is a weekly column where an underqualified anonymous guru answers the questions you want answered. This won’t include the stock-standard, sugar-coated advice you’re used to hearing – we’re talking about the truths that are REALLY on your mind.
Sexcapades: Finger Licking Good
All I had was sticky tits and a half-melted cornetto shoved somewhere deep inside of me.
Well this is it, my last editorial.
Hello, friends. What a year it’s been. The last issue of Massive! Can you believe it?
Horoscopes (vol. 24)
Sagittarius: Your study planner is so pretty Sag! So was the one you made last week! How about actually following it now??
Horoscopes vol. 23
Aries, this week make sure you take care with who you choose to bitch about your flatmates to.
Sexcapades vol. 23
Massive - please help me find this incredible hottie so we can pick up from where we left off. Please.
Cherry Tomato Pasta
This is a bit of a fancy one. Good for having guests over or if you’re feeling a bit boujee!
Editorial: Election Season so far has been a joke.
Sstudent election season is a sad, empty shell of itself. It would be comical if it wasn’t so ... disappointing.
Sexcapades vol. 22: Jackhammer Goes Wrong
Massive, my worst nightmare came true. Let me set the scene.
Editorial: Damn you Adobe Flash Player. Damn you for leaving us.
Last night, I experienced a kick of nostalgia for old gaming sites I used to fuck around on.
Horoscopes vol. 22
Aquarius: I want you to try your very best this week to actually listen to people. People know when you’re not listening and if you don’t start at least pretending to care you can say goodbye to your Friday night drinks invite. We both know you don’t want that.
Horoscopes (vol. 21)
Taurus: You can talk all the shit you want to about the Met Gala, but you know what? Sure, maybe only a few of the celebrities “understood the assignment” but that doesn’t mean you do. Literally. Start studying.