Sexcapades vol. 22: Jackhammer Goes Wrong


Massive, my worst nightmare came true. Let me set the scene: I was FINALLY getting together with the guy I liked. I’d had a huge crush on him all year, and after a drunken confession at a party, here we were, hooking up. We were kissing, he was taking off my clothes. It was all I’d ever wanted.  

I wanted to show him how much I liked him so, of course, I went down on him. I was teasing his cock like a fucking pro, licking his balls, just going for my life here. I was going to show this man the best time ever, and then he’d have no choice to fall in love with me and marry and impregnate me. I was already picturing our honeymoon as I deepthroated his throbbing shaft.  

But then, for some inexplicable reasons, he started to jackhammer my throat. I know. Literally the man of my dreams, and here he was, trying to fuck my mouth like a goddamn wood pecker.  

Literally all I could think was “Oh no, baby. Not you.” I was SO disappointed. Let me suck you off, dammit!! Let me set the pace and rhythm, please. My mouth is not a vagina, please do not treat it as such.  

So, of course, the inevitable happened. He thrust his member too far down my drunken throat and my throat reacted. A sea of watermelon cruisers and night n’ day wedges poured out of my mouth and onto his dick. Not just his dick actually, all over his chest and legs. I couldn’t stop it, he’d opened the floodgates. All I could do was sadly vomit onto this boy that I really liked. Time slowed down in that moment. I could see the panic in his eyes. I could smell the vomit, dribbling from my face and his cock and everything was so vividly horrible.  

I jumped off the bed as quick as I could and ran to the bathroom, horrified. Needless to say, he did not call the next day.  


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