Confessions of a Former Massey Student (who wasted their precious time)

 Confessions of a is an anonymous column that looks to unearth viewpoints from unique individuals at Massey University. Each week we will give the spotlight to someone new, so If you think you’ve got an interesting story to tell, please get in touch with 



Confessions of a… former Massey Student (who wasted their precious time) 


University is supposed to be an integral part of your identity as a student, right? We see this troupe in every American coming-of-age movie. An obnoxious yo-pro banging on about their ivy league degree, or the brother/sisterhoods they formed with their frat or sorority. Although this cliche is beat over the head, and tacky as fuck, it does make me question why I’ve never felt a similar sense of pride explaining to people that I studied at Massey.  


If we rewind ALL the way back to first year. I was the only one of my friends who took the dark plunge and went to Massey. I thought it would give me an opportunity to forge my own path, grow as an individual, find myself, you know, all that shit. But alas, here I am five years later, living with my friends from primary school, and only in contact with 1-2 people, I met at University. 


Is this because of my sub-par social skills? Probably. But, do I wish that there was an inbuilt culture at Massey, where the campus was vibrant, spaces were created for us, and the culture was shoved into our face … yes?  


Anyways, I don’t wanna shit on Massey, it was actually kinda lacked, and I genuinely enjoyed most of my time there. I think I still create a mountain of excuses, like the one above, to mask the fact that the university experience is truly what you make of it. 


My piece of advice to all Massey newcomers is, don’t expect the university to roll everything you need out on a platter. If you want to join a club, actively seek them out, if you need help with student-related issues, hassle your student association. If you think processes need to change to make your,  and your peer's experience at Uni better, gather a group of people and let your voice be heard.  


While it’s not your responsibility to make sure this is all available, if the university is being shit, take things into your own hands. With this action, and fearlessness, you will talk to more people, Massey will become a part of your life that you don’t sadly forget after you finish your degree.  


Do what I didn't lol, yours truly,  


Former Massey Student. 


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