Sexcapades - Weight a minute?

Let me set the scene: I’ve never been much of a gym person. My experience consists of the occasional squats and cardio, but I'd never call myself a gym rat. One day I decided this would all change. I decided that I would sculpt the dream body I’ve always pictured myself having by gyming 5 times a week and eating healthy - this included halting my air fryer addiction.  


Strutting into the gym my dream of getting shredded was quickly dashed. Being on my own I realised I had no idea how to use any of the equipment, and this was showing. I attempted to do Romanian Deadlifts because I saw a hot influencer on tiktok doing this to get booty gains. Looking in the mirror was a distressing sight, and I noticed someone catching onto my inexperience. 


As quick as you can say “Romanian Deadlift” this buff, but super sexy woman approached me with this weird sultry aura. Because I am severely awkward I tried my best to strike up a conversation but all I could mutter was “I'm quite new here, sorry”.... pathetic. The Amazonian princess before me took this as an invitation to coach me through a few movements, and for that I was grateful. We started with the deadlifts I was initially trying to do. She watched me mess up a few more reps before she started grabbing the part of my leg I was supposed to feel the movement in. She squeezed her hand on the back of my hamstring as my ass moved closer to her face. My bi tendencies took over and I gave her that horny smirk when someone delivers you maccas nuggets unexpectedly.  


I think the signal was clear on both ends. We quickly ushered ourselves to the women's changing rooms (sorry massey) and exchanged a few more movements. When we realised the gym wasn’t the most romantic place, we scurried home to her apartment and she showed me what a REAL workout was.  


Needless to say, my gym journey is well and truly underway, and I won’t stop Romanian Deadlifting anytime soon.  



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