Mocha Frappuccino

Mocha Frappucino

Coffee is one of life’s small pleasures. Sometimes, thinking about my morning coffee is the only thing that gets me out of bed. I can drink any kind of coffee – shitty instant coffee, plunger coffee, $29 Starbuck’s coffee, pod coffee, or even Tussock’s coffee. When I’m feeling really down, though, nothing gets me going more than the idea of a sweet, icy, and super unhealthy frappé. Ohhh, yeah. Then I remember that I’m a student living in Wellington and if I bought a frappé from somewhere I probably wouldn’t be able to pay the power bill that week.  

No fear, though! Here is a frappé recipe that, mind you, will definitely be a lot more shit than if you bought it from literally anywhere, but should do the job using only what you’d already have at home (maybe). Even your annoying friend who says they don’t like coffee will be lapping this shit up!  

The recipe is amenable to whatever you like! As you make it, you’ll find you might want a bit more milk or something. Follow your heart and listen to your tastebuds. If you can’t be fucked making syrup, make a sickly-sweet hot chocolate - adding that to the blend will do the job as well!

Ingredients (2 Servings)

  • 2 cups of coffee, however strong you like (instant, pod, plunge, whatever you have) 

  • 3-4 handfuls of ice cubes 

  • 1 ½ cup of milk (I will judge you if you choose almond milk)

For the syrup 

  • 1/3 cup of water 

  • 1/3 cup of sugar 

  • 1/4 cup of cocoa powder 

  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 

  • Pinch of salt 


Chocolate Syrup 

  1. Put the water, sugar, cocoa, and salt into a pot on medium-low heat. Let it simmer, and stir every now and then until the sugar has dissolved. Once the sugar is dissolved, keep stirring on the heat until that shit is silky smooth. Take it off the heat and let it chill out a bit. 

  2. Once the mixture has cooled down a bit, add in your vanilla extract and stir until you’re happy and can smell the goodness.  

  3. You’ll have more syrup than is really necessary… but no judgments here if you want to use it all. Feel free to double the whole thing and make way more than I told you to so you can stock up on syrup and make more frappés later! 


  1. Preparation is key! Make sure you have ice in the freezer before you start, otherwise you will become very sad.  

  2. Make two cups of coffee as per usual. I like to make mine a bit stronger just because of how much sugar will go into the frappé. Let the coffee cool off. If you’re impatient, either stick it in the fridge or just yolo it and use it as is. It won’t ruin the frappé. I don’t think.  

  3. In a blender, put your ice cubes in first (!!) and then add the milk, coffee, and chocolate syrup (start with less, babes. You can always add more but you can’t take it out once it’s in.) 

  4. Blend that shit up! You want the ice to go kind of slushy-like. Frothy, foamy, all these adjectives are good. Don’t worry if there are some bubble-looking things. I’m pretty sure that won’t be soap.  

  5. Get a sexy, tall glass and serve you and your BFF a sweet treat! Some people might feel so inclined as to add some sort of décor, like whipped cream, chocolate, or a metal straw! I do not own any of those items, but I’m sure it would be yum.


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