Massey reviewing free flu shot funding for all students


Massey is considering offering free influenza shots to every student to increase the number of vaccinated students.

A recent Massey overview document on flu vaccine funding says that reduced unwellness for the student and campus population, less demand for student health services, and less missed class time are some of the reasons for increased investment. 

Massey currently only provides free influenza vaccinations to staff. The Ministry of Health gives Massey extra funds which also makes flu shots free for high risk enrolled patients such as those with diabetes, over 65 years old or pregnant. The rest of the student population can currently get flu vaccinations for $29 from the on-campus medical centre, whether they have signed up with them or not.  

The document offers four options. Option A involves completely funding externally provided on-campus flu clinics to give free shots to every Massey student who wants one. This option is predicted to be the most expensive of the four, with a projected cost of $183,750. It is estimated by Massey that 7,500 internal students would take up this offer. 

Option B is funding and promoting the existing flu vaccination services on campus to make them free for all students who are enrolled in the campus medical services. The projected cost is $133,255, and this is estimated to reach an extra 4,595 students who are enrolled in the campus clinic. 

Option C is a discount to the existing vaccine cost for students from the current price of $29 to $14 per vaccination. The projected cost is $63,000, and it is estimated 4,500 internal students would take up this offer. 

Finally, Option D is to keep the existing cost and service as it is, and simply increase its promotion to increase uptake. The projected cost is simply listed as “BAU [Business as usual] health promotion funding”, which would likely make this the least expensive of the four options for the University. 

The ASA Executive have reported in their feedback that they believe Option A would attract the most students to receive the flu shot. 

“The main aim of this project is to increase the number of students who receive the vaccination. Also, it’s a good chance to make connection with students who didn’t sign up with our medical centre,” they say.


Horoscopes (vol 8)


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