Sexcapades: Getting Sweaty Abroad


A few years ago, me and six mates all put our course-related costs and summer savings on a week-long trip to Thailand. It was great. We took a boat down the floating market, climbed an abandoned skyscraper and had the best food of our lives. But I know you’re not reading this to hear about the sight-seeing. One of my mates, Nick, he was the newest member of the friend group you see, so we hadn’t had time to friend-zone each other yet. And well, he wasn’t just fit as hell he was also like, the sweetest fucking guy I’d ever met. I had had my eye on him from before we’d even booked the trip, but I told myself not to make a move because ya know, don’t screw the crew and all that.  

One night was all it took for me to break that promise. We were out for dinner just around the corner from our hostel. I was sitting next to him at the table and everyone had had a few Singha’s. I could smell him, I guess it was a mixture of cologne and sweat, but he smelt like pure sex. I took a risk and put my hand on his muscular thigh. When he made no movement to stop me, I slowly slid it up under his shorts towards his crotch. He turned his head towards me and gave me a look that just said “it’s on.” 

“Fuck, I think I left my wallet back at the hostel,” I announced to the table. It was a pathetic lie, but I knew it would work. “I’ll go back with you,” he said, casually. That was almost too easy. Then a voice came from the other end of the table, “I left my camera there, so I’ll come too.” Shit. It was my best mate, Lucy. I was absolutely fuming.  

But what could I say? The three of us walked back together, with none of us making eye contact. Just as we arrived back to our hostel room, I noticed that Lucy’s camera was sticking out from the corner of the bag she’d been carrying. “Your camera’s right there you egg,” I yell, pointing furiously. “I know.” She said, winking back at me. “You guys didn’t think you could have all the fun without including me, did you?” she said, grinning. I stared at her, mouth agape, while Nick just shrugged. 

What happened next, I’ll leave up to your imagination, but it ended with the three of us hurrying back to the restaurant a lot sweatier than when we had left it.  


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