Lit Vegan Puttanesca


I fucking love pasta. Most of the time when I cook, I know in my heart of hearts that if I was ordering this at a restaurant it would be five hundred times better. But not when I’m cooking pasta. When I’m cooking pasta, my heart sings. I don’t mean to flex (I do), but my puttanesca is restaurant quality. Not restaurants that make their own pasta, mind you - nobody can compete with that shit. But if it’s a battle of the store bought fettucine, I back myself. I’ll let you into a little secret: it’s not that hard. You can do it too. Just follow these simple steps. Your flatmates will love you for it.


  • Olive oil 

  • 50-100g capers

  • 400g tomato passata

  • 4 cloves garlic

  • Handful of parsley

  • 3/4 of a pack of fettucine

  • Lemon

  • Pinch of chilli flakes


  • Parmesan cheese

  • Olives

  • Splash of red wine


  1. Salt the shit out of a pot of water and set it to the boil. I’m talking Red Sea levels of salt. 

  2. Drizzle a generous lug of olive oil into a seperate pan.

  3. Mince or chop your garlic and throw it in to the pan along with half of the parsley and a pinch of salt.

  4. Cook for two minutes, stirring occassionally.

  5. Throw in your passata, capers, chilli flakes, olives and red wine (if using) into the pan and stir. Let simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occassionally. 

  6. Chuck the fettucine into the pot of boiling water it’s boiling.

  7. Drain the pasta (keep about half a cup to add gradually to the sauce), and mix it in with the saucey mixture. Garnish with the remaining parsley. Bon Appétit.


Blanket Forts


Editorial: I’m tired of people taking offence at female bodies