Blanket Forts

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Whether you need a comfy place to study, not study, watch Netflix, or hotbox the flat without the neighbours peeking, the blanket fort is perfect for any occasion. All you need is a couch or two, those textbooks you never use, and some hopefully-washed top-sheets because let’s face it, they’re not going on your bed. When making blanket forts it’s important to know what you have to work with. Is it chairs from your flat table? A somewhat mouldy couch? Are your sheets single, double, queen? Do you actually have enough books in your flat?  

The first thing you’ll need for your blanket fort is floor space. Whether that’s the lounge, your room, or your friends’ room in another flat so you don’t have to deal with the clean-up, having the room to make your fort is essential. From there, the construction is up to you, let’s have a look at some examples.

The Fortress 

You’ll need an old couch, a sheet, and a helluva lot of couch cushions. This one is a good opportunity to find all those lost lighters, coins and dregs of weed. A fort that gives back. This one is pretty simple, take all your cushions off and stack them on the arms of the couch, and on the front to give it some structural integrity. From there, drape a blanket or sheet over the top and wham, mini fort just for you. If you can squeeze your way in then enjoy spending your time picking through the long-lost knick-knacks that have slipped down the side of the pillows, along with all the lint and hair you’ll be swimming in. 

The Tent 

Low energy, low fuss, somewhat low useability but hey, it’s easy. For this one you’ll need a TV, a sheet, a pole and a couple books. Drape the sheet over the tv, weigh it down with some books, and grab a pole and pitch it up. The perfect little depression den for one. Look, it’s not the most roomy or stable but if you’ve got low spoons and a craving for a nest this is the go-to.  

The Throne 

Got some chairs sitting round your flat? Boy, is the Throne perfect for you. The upgraded model of the Tent, this one has a little more sitting space. It’s a little more stable so your mental state doesn’t have to be. Perfect to build in a breakdown and let your flatmates know that you do not want to be disturbed. Take three chairs or stools, face them tallest point inward and drape a sheet over the chairs and your TV. Fill that depression den with blankets, snacks, and a bong... and voilà!  

The Castle 

If you’ve got the time, space and energy to pull out all the stops, this bad boy is big enough for the whole flat. Turn around all the couches around in your living room, backs facing in, get a couple sheets, books and go to town. Drape the sheets over top, weigh them down with books and get to nesting, fill it up with blankets, pillows and maybe some fairy lights if you’re so inclined. Perfect for a romantic living-room fuck-fest, flat-Netflix binge or hidden-away hotbox, the Castle is the holy grail of all blanket forts. Spacious, comfy, back support, it’s got everything you could possibly need for a depression den or a one-night stand on steroids. 

Whether you’re at the end of your tether or want a cozy space to hang out, everybody loves a blanket fort, apart from your flatmates, who just want their fucking lounge back. Whichever you choose, make it your own and live in that bitch for weeks on end, trust me, it’s for your mental health. Doctors’ orders. 


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