Hot chocolate to warm your soul

Bart Simpson looks at hot chocolate on windowsill from tree

I don’t know where I got the idea for this hot chocolate recipe. Maybe someone mentioned it in a conversation? Is this something I saw on the internet? Do I have any original thoughts anymore?? I don’t know, but I’m glad I found it. It’s warm, it’s comforting and boy, it tastes good. I’ve seen other ways to make hot chocolate that are much richer because some people like it thicc. But I found this way is nice and creamy also you can control the sweetness! The best of both worlds. 


Baking chocolate (if you’re vegan, just use cocoa powder instead, vegan chocolate is a real bitch to melt)  

¼ tsp vanilla essence 

¼ cup brown sugar (optional) 

1 tsp cinnamon  

½ tsp salt  

½ cup of milk (whichever kind you like)  

½ cup of cream 

Toppings (Optional but Highly Recommended):  

Whipped cream 

A wafer  

Caramel or chocolate sauce 

Cocoa powder  

Tiny lil marshmallows (: 


In a medium-sized pot, add as many squares of baking chocolate as you like, cream and vanilla essence over medium heat keep the heat low, so the mixture doesn’t start to boil.   

Sift in the cocoa powder, salt and cinnamon. I know some people add instant coffee powder to it, but dammit I’m a soft bitch; I like my hot drinks sweet before I go to sleep.  

Sift in the brown sugar if it’s still not sweet enough.  

When done pour the mixture through a sieve into any mug you’ve got to catch any lumps that haven’t mixed in properly.  

Add desired toppings. Marshmallows, whipped cream, caramel sauce, all of the above if you’ve got a strong sweet tooth. Or you can go all Ned Flanders and add all the recommended toppings with a burnt marshmallow on a wafer (I still think about that scene all the time). 


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Horoscopes (vol 13)