Eggs Benny!  


Stop paying $20 for something so cheap and easy, I beg you.  

Eggs Benedict is my go-to hungover food. For years, I wasted away money at cafes, which half the time would just pour some sauce straight out of a fucking packet. Not to @ any prominent uni cafes or anything. But then, a beautiful friend taught me the trick of this rich, golden sauce and I’ve never looked back. It’s delightful, fancy but unexpectedly simple.  

Serves 2 gorgeous friends or one hungry, sad student  


One egg yolk + however many eggs you wanna eat  

Teaspoon of mustard (optional but a nice touch)  

50g butter, melted  

Lemon juice 

Ice cube (for emergencies) 

Toasted ciabatta bread 

Salt and pepper 


  1. Get a pot on the stove going with some water in it. Place a bowl over top and add your egg yolk and mustard.  

  2. Whisk together with a fork over the simmering water, gradually pouring in your melted butter. Keep stirring, and be mindful not to overheat the sauce. (Hot tip: If the sauce does over-thicken and clump, you can save it by adding in an ice-cube).  

  3. In a few minutes, the sauce should be a silky, buttery yellow. Squeeze some lemon juice and salt to taste and put aside.  

  4. Now the eggs! Plop them in the simmering pot water after creating a gentle vertex with a spoon. Some people use vinegar for this step but idk, it’s kinda unnecessary.  

  5. Pop some toast on! My go-to is ciabatta but any will do. I trust you.  

  6. After 3 minutes poaching, quickly get the eggs out and onto the toast. There’s nothing worse in this life than overcooked eggs.  

  7. Drench in the dreamy hollandaise sauce and enjoy! But for the love of god, please put some cracked black pepper on top.  


Horoscopes (vol 9)


A quick chat with Arylith & Baldie