Confessions of A… Taylor Swift Hater

 Confessions of a is an anonymous column that looks to unearth viewpoints from unique individuals at Massey University. Each week we will give the spotlight to someone new, so If you think you’ve got an interesting story to tell, please get in touch with  

Confessions of A… Taylor Swift Hater

When I saw that the music edition of Massive Magazine was quickly approaching, I knew this was my moment to shine. In all honesty, I can be a passionless person a lot of the time, there isn’t a whole lot that gets me riled up. But, one thing that I’ve always defended like my life depended on it, is that Taylor Swift is trash.

TayTay, Taylor, if you’re reading this, please take it personal. I think my resentment started way back in 2012 when I Knew You Were Trouble was released. Taylor was at the peak of her influence, every advert featured one of her head-bopping jams, and every teenage girl was fangirling to the max. And for some reason it ignited a burning flame within me.

I understand Taylor is technically one of the most successful artists of all time. With 11 Grammy’s it's hard to argue her influence has been mammoth. But I think building a brand off being spiteful to past relationships is weird and immature.

Now, you might think that it’s immature of me to say she's trash, and by all means it is, but when Taylor Swift fans come all guns blazing, you have to fight fire with fire.

DISCLAIMER: Half way through writing this scathing piece, and after doing a bit of research about Taylor, I had a realisation. Below are my reconsidered thoughts.

I know what you’re thinking. But no, by no means am I now a fan.... But maybe I've realised that my vitriol is slightly displaced.

In an age of piece-of-shit celebrities, maybe Taylor isn’t the worst. In fact using lived experiences to fuel songs is kind of the cornerstone of song writing.

I guess I've completely ruined my initial argument. But, if there are any fellow Taylor Swift haters reading, it’s time to take a look in the mirror. Especially if you’re a man. I feel like men hate Taylor out of pure misogyny, and that’s not on.

Taylor, I’m sorry, please forgive me, and don’t write a song about me x


Sexcapades - Cube Conundrums


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