Red light… Green light!
After two years of living under these government restrictions, their sudden lifting has undoubtedly sparked an array of mixed emotions.
Brain drain pushes graduates overseas
Prices are rising. Wages are falling. Young New Zealanders are increasingly feeling the pressure to leave our country in search of a better deal elsewhere. To put it in short, our country is experiencing a ‘brain drain’.
Where the fuck is everyone?
While making our way through the Wellington campus in search of fashionable students, Massive found a shocking discovery. Campus is a ghost town.
10 to 1: Students’ Associations Unite
A survey found that only 23 per cent of students know which association represents them. But with a new plan, student representation will be less complicated.
Conservation Week saves 4,000 native plants and animals
September 5 to 11 was dedicated to saving our 4,000 native plants and animals that are currently threatened or at risk. Events and activities including beach clean-ups, community planting, eco-safari tours, pest control seminars and educational tramps.
The Controversy of the Queen’s Death
However, her death has also brought back longstanding criticisms of her legacy as a leading monarch in the British Empire’s violent exploitation, colonisation and economic deprivation of many countries throughout history.
‘Not Good Enough’: No Ban on Student Staff Intimate Relationships
Victoria University responds to sexual assault claims by banning intimate relationships between staff and students. However, Massey seemingly isn’t following suit.
Te take i waihanga tētahi pouako ō-mua ki Te Kunenga ki Pūrehuroa i te paraka tiakakarete Whittaker’s White Fragility
Why an ex-Massey lecturer created the Whittaker’s White Fragility block
Kua panaia te tono panoni i te ingoa o Massey, ahakoa he kaikiri taua tangata
Massey name change dismissed despite racist namesake
Muslim students tossed around by University
Muslim students are thrown around Albany campus with no idea when the multi-faith building they were promised will be ready.
Viral app BeReal dubbed the ‘anti-Instagram.’
The new photo-sharing app ‘BeReal’ is abolishing these notions and asking people to show their authentic, unfiltered selves.
Diversity on full display at MAWSA culture week
Last week, Massey at Wellington Students’ Association hosted Culture Week, an initiative to encourage Wellington students to share aspects of their culture to other tauira on campus. This week-long event saw students performing cultural dances, indulging in different types of kai and watching cultural films.
Eat the rich – save the world
First let’s start by dissecting the filthy rich. I’m talking about the likes of Musk, Bezos, Gates, Branson - the top one per cent of all wealthy people. Their affluence is excessive to a nauseating degree, and not just because we are all out here struggling to survive whilst they’re sitting on their thrones of billions.
Massive Magazine’s Mini Media Mashup
Coming at you with our second Mini Media Mashup, where I, your host, will be serving you bite sized chunks of our latest and greatest news stories.
@pocketmasseycat fan account remains a mystery
The account’s owner described Pocket as “a little black cat that has the personality of a homeless old [woman]. Sometimes she wants attention, other times she just wants you to fuck off.”
MUSA Policy Unit continues to support parliamentary bills
Massey University Student Association (MUSA), has road-tripped down to parliament grounds to file a submission of support to the Employment Relations (Extended Time for Personal Grievance for Sexual Harassment) Amendment Bill.
Massey Students Smash Dry July
“My weekends became far more productive, whereas before they would be dedicated almost entirely to drinking and being hungover. “
Monkeypox is here, but let's not go blaming people
University of Auckland Associate Professor and vaccine expert Dr Helen Petousis-Harris explained that the WHO's emergency setting was a call to action rather than an indication that we should all panic.
Make It 16 calls for a lower voting age
Make It 16 is an advocacy group for lowering the voting age in New Zealand. The campaign started in 2019 as a product of Youth Parliament, and has worked its way up to a national network of people advocating for 16- and 17-year-olds to be granted the right to vote.