Where are the student elections at?

Massey’s student elections would usually be well under way by now, but with a new student representation plan on the way they will have to wait till next year.

In September, it was announced that all 10 student associations plan to combine into one association. This hopes to fix confusion over who represents students and create a united voice across campuses. But while the change is complicated now, it will be for the better.

Khushboo Singh, vice president of the Massey at Wellington Student’s Association (MAWSA) and president of the Massey Association of Pasifika Students said, “Obviously it is a little scary, this is a new process and it is different to what we know. But I don’t think it means that students aren’t getting a say in whose representing them.”

Speaking on behalf of Massey University Students’ Association Federation (MUSAF), Singh explained that if we were to elect student representatives now it would be under the current system which is set to change. However, elections will happen in March next year when students are back on campus.

There are currently 12 student presidents, but the new association will have three student presidents - A Māori, Pasifika and General/Distance president. While presidents are usually voted on by students, the three presidents will be appointed by the MUSAF board.

Singh said, “It’s one voice, even though we’ve cut down on numbers collectively we’ve become stronger.” Currently there are 58 student reps, more than any other NZ uni, but the new plan allows for 23 student reps. 16 of these will be elected by students and seven will be appointed by the board.

In a survey, 44% of students said they would like a mix of appointed and elected roles. Singh said, “the feedback that we got from students is that we should have a mix of appointed and elected roles. From that feedback that’s what we’ve decided to do.”

The student presidents will go through a recruitment process where a panel will interview and appoint them. Singh said, “A lot of us in these roles find that we’re thrown in the deep end, like you don’t fully understand what these roles are until you're in it. So, I guess this appointment process will help build that understanding before someone goes into the role. Like what it really means to be representing students.”

“Being part of a structure where we’ve had so many people, it’s hard to imagine what it would be like without having all these people. But I think it isn’t impossible to do. I think in terms of strength as a whole over Massey it will strengthen our voice so that students on.”

Students will have the opportunity to approve the new representation plan in the special general meeting on the 19th of October. After this, the board can begin appointing student presidents. Singh said an election after the meeting would be too late as students would be on study break.

“Once the structure is put in place next year, it will be a bit of a trial-and-error because it is something that hasn’t been done before. So, there is room for change within this new structure.”


Massey Confessions


Horoscopes - 3 October