What’s all this about a merge? Let’s break down what the fuck is going on


Have you heard the news? Massey’s four student associations are considering merging. This is a BIG deal and will potentially change the face of Massey’s student associations as we know it. The whole thing is confusing as fuck, largely due to the fact that there are actually TWO different mergers being discussed. Yeah, we know.  

To help un-muddy the waters, Massive has put together this handy-dandy guide to everything you need to know going forwards.   

The SLA Merge

What’s this?  

 An SLA is a service-levy agreement. Basically a “I will do/have done this” in exchange for funding from the University to keep those services operating. Every year, the associations submit an SLA and in exchange, they would get money to continue doing lil barbeques and whatever else they do.  

What’s changing?  

Basically, Massey was like fuck off, that’s too much paperwork (in politer terms, I’m sure). They asked that the four different execs to merge their SLAs into one, just submit that to Massey, and then Massey would submit back a lump sum. It would then be up to the execs to divvy it up amongst themselves.  

Will this go ahead?  

Yes. It was initially meant to go through at the start of second semester, but that’s been delayed (lol) until September. This has been something that has been in the works for over a decade, and doesn’t require student consultation since it’s about the operational side of things.  

What does this mean?  

Generally, less paperwork. Maybe more equitable funding? For example, Massey at Distance currently receives the lowest amount of funding, despite having the biggest number of students under its wing. However, if they start receiving more money, that might mean less for more traditionally wealthy associations such as Albany or Manawatū. Awkward!  

What does Massive think?  

It’s hard to care too much. Is it kind of weird to merge funding before you even merge as an entity? Yeah, kinda. Also, whilst it’s nice that the University is giving more autonomy to associations when it comes to funding, it ALSO seems like it could become messy when you leave a bunch of execs to fight over funding between themselves. Quick...someone better get another merge going!  

The Organisational Merge

(or as we like to call it: The Big Daddy Merge)  

What’s this?  

When the student execs got together to discuss the SLA merge, they thought, hey wouldn’t it be neat to merge as one giant organisation? So, they released a press release letting students know that they’re thinkin’ about it. There’s been no solid plans made so far, with just generic language saying how this merge could unify “four siloed voices” of the organisations, blah blah.  

What’s changing?  

Honestly, who fucking knows. Nothing has been decided on yet!

Okay, but if you had to guess:  

This is all wild speculation, but let’s take a stab in the dark. 

Firstly, let’s hope for everyone’s sake that the names go. Right now, the four execs are called: MUSA, M@D, ASA and MAWSA. Fucking confusing, right? ASA shares the same acronym as the Advertising Standards Authority and is dangerously similar to AUSA (Auckland Union Students Association), whilst making no mention of Massey in their name. The name M@D just well...scares me. In an ideal world, these would merge to become something simple like MUSA Wellington, MUSA Distance, etc.  

Secondly... maybe staff? Right now, all the student associations have various levels of staff, from general managers to secretaries and events coordinators, and so on. However, with the voluntary redundancy of MUSA’s and MAWSA’s General Manager and M@D’s General Manager entering into a redundancy agreement, it kind of makes sense that, if a merge were to go ahead, they would hire just one GM instead of four. Would that also mean the loss of other staff? Maybe, but the associations would be sure to try and downplay this aspect, and the staffing restructure might take years before we get a clearer picture of the new association.  

Execs are a much trickier part of the merge. Would they establish one super exec that everyone around Massey votes for? Potentially but unlikely. I’m betting that individual execs will stay the same, to provide for individual campuses, with operational staff being shared between them. Having one president to rule over all of Massey seems weird and like a lot of work. But never say never!  

The thing is, there’s so much ambiguity here, and a lot of work left to go. What will happen to websites, logos, constitutions etc? What about Massive and Radio Control? (No, seriously, what about us??) The good news is, the execs have already stated that this is “an opportunity to build an association that honours Te Tiriti with genuine co-governance” so hopefully Māori and Pasifika associations will get a better, and bigger, seat at the table than they currently do.  

Will this still go ahead?  

It’s up to you guys! Without positive student consultation, no fucking way. This is a BIG change, and so will take its time to go through various processes of consultation. If students are like...nah, then it won’t happen, don’t worry! But, if students are pro-merge, then expect to see more developments to come.  

What does Massive think?  

This is... complicated. On one hand, you have potential for the execs to be stronger together. They’ll have more power, influence and money if their resources are all pooled, which could benefit students with the services that associations provide. This is genuinely a good thing considering how lacklustre some of the execs are now and the services they provide (just think of Massey O-Week as an example compared to Otago). But it is a lot of power for just a small select group of people to wield. With all the instability of this year, from several exec members resigning to staff being made redundant, it seems like unsteady waters to be building a ship on. There’re a few controversial figures in execs that, frankly, I don’t trust to chair a meeting let alone lead a once-in-a-lifetime merger. For now, we’re watching frantically on the sidelines for any updates. 


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