MAWSA welfare officer resigns after previous pay reduction

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Jordy Katene, Welfare and Equity Officer of the MAWSA Executive, formally resigned from her role on 11 June. The resignation comes after MAWSA voted not to accept Jordy’s quarterly report earlier this year. Tessa Guest, MAWSA President, previously stated the report “didn’t provide adequate detail to imply that [Jordy] had fulfilled their duties”. As a result, the Executive voted for a period of reduced pay of 50%.  

The pay reduction was intended to last until 14 June, at which time the second quarterly report was due and the pay reduction to be re-assessed.  

Jordy resigned before the quarterly report was received by the Executive, citing having too high of a workload and not being able to make time for MAWSA as her reasons for resignation. She declined to give comment to Massive.  

Tessa said she had concerns that Jordy’s second quarterly report wouldn’t be substantive enough to be accepted by the Exec anyway. “I can’t confirm that a vote of no confidence would have been called … Because she resigned before the Executive received the report, I can’t confirm what the outcome would have been.”   

MAWSA will hold a by-election to determine the new Welfare and Equity Officer. Nominations will be open from Monday 12 July until Friday 16 July. Following a campaigning period, voting will then be open from Monday 19 July until Friday 23 July.  


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