Weed Brownies


Edibles are a joy and a curse. They can make me laugh like nothing else, but take too many and suddenly you’re sitting in a Subway surrounded by piss. If you’re partaking in a classic weed brownie, remember the golden rule: eat one, and wait. Don’t have another one after 20 minutes of “not feeling it” because that’s how you end up banned from Subway. Edibles can take anywhere from half an hour to an hour to kick in, and even then, they only get stronger during the night. Massive devised a recipe that’s both potent and delicious. There’s nothing worse than a disgusting edible, except perhaps having to Uber-Eats a meatball sub.  



125g of unsalted butter  

basically, however much cannabis you have/want. I reckon about 1-2 ounces will do, but go crazy depending on your tolerance.  

150g of chocolate. Whittaker’s, Cadbury's or baking chocolate, whatever floats your boat, add in different kinds of flavours or kinds.  

1/3 of a cup of cocoa powder 

1 ¼ cup of sugar  

¾ cup of flour  

2 big eggs  

Optional: nuts, freeze-dry raspberries, more chocolate :’)  



  1. Preheat your shitty oven to 115°C on bake.  

  1. Chop up your weed to small chunks, avoid dicing too fine. Place on baking paper and slide into the oven for about 20 minutes. Be careful to avoid burning, you’re looking for a nice dry, brownish green crumble overall. Oh, and just a warning- this WILL make your entire house stink of weed. Make sure you’re not having a flat inspection or parents' round.  

  2. On low heat, melt your butter in a pot. Remember how good melted butter smells. Carefully mix in the cooked weed, making sure to keep the heat low and the mixture simmering, for at least half an hour, longer if you have the time.  

  3. This next step depends on how feral you are. You can choose to strain your butter through a sieve or cheesecloth, to get rid of those bitter flakes of cannabis, or just leave it how is. The unfiltered version may be stronger, but it’ll certainty make it taste worse. That’s a decision I’m gonna leave in your hands.  

  4. Add in the chocolate, melt it a bit, then tip the batter into a large bowl. Add in the cocoa, sugar, and eggs in. Honestly, the rest is basically brownie making, you know the drill. Finally, add the flour. Sieve it if you want, I’m not your mother.  

  5. Accessorize your brownie! Add in nuts, whatever the fuck you want. Freeze-dry raspberries can help mask the taste of weed, just saying.  

  6. Grease your baking tray, god you know all this. Bake for about 30 mins at 115°C. Bon Appetit! Stay safe, hydrate lots x  


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