Udon Noodle stir fry with dumplings

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Sometimes I eat noodles and I feel hungry. Sometimes I eat dumplings and I still feel hungry. Introducing noodles with dumplings; the best of both worlds. Fulling, satisfying, fucking delicious. It’s healthy, probably even biodegradable with the amount of vegetables you’re dumping in there. It’s a dumpling dumping! Everything is flexible so make it your own, if you don’t have some ingredients in your pantry, you can just go without ‘em, or try something new. 

The Bulk: 

1 packet of 99c Udon Noodles    

1 pack of Frozen Dumplings (vegan or meat, whatever flavour you like)  

Literally any veges you can get your filthy mitts on, but here are my faves: 

1 head of Bok Choy   

1 Carrot   

1 Capsicum   

1 small Onion   

Broccoli...How do you measure Broccoli? Like... a handful I guess 

5 or so Mushrooms (Shroom it up!)  

The Flavour: 

A solid dollop of Crushed Garlic   

Half a teaspoon or so crushed or powdered ginger  

Soy sauce (You never know with soy, just put some in and taste it)  

A big goop or two of Sweet Chilli  

A hearty sprinkle of Chinese 5 spice  



  1. Cook the dumplings in a small, separate pan, they take up to 10 minutes so follow the packet instructions and put them on first. 

  1. While the dumplings cook, slice the veges up reallll thin 

  1. Chuck the onions in a hot pan, then add the veg in order of hardness (eg, carrots first, then brocc, etc. Mushrooms and Bok choy last) 

  1. Fry ‘em up good. 

  1. Add the spices and sauces! Salt too if you want 

  1. Udon goes in at the very end, with a bit of water to separate them.  

  1. Let them sit in the liquid for maybe 30 seconds. Jiggle it occasionally with ya spatula until it comes loose. 

  1. Stir it all together, huck the dumplings on top. 

Serves: 2 (or 1 student dinner and lunch.) Double the recipe to feed the flat, or if you’re just hungry 


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