Tussock raises their prices

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Students are left disappointed after the popular Wellington campus café, Tussock, increased the cost of some of their items for 2021. Prices for coffee seem to have risen by 50c across the coffee range. If you squint closely at the sign, you can still see the chalk ghosts of the old prices, lingering.  

Students were generally disgruntled by the move, with one saying “$5.50?? I’d rather go into town and get a $4 coffee.” Another student recommended Koha Coffee, the coffee club that meets on Wednesdays, as a cheaper alternative.  

A Tussock spokesperson confirmed that the price of coffee had increased but “for the first time in about seven or eight years” and that the changes were made to reflect the increased supply costs and rise in minimum wage. They noted that the price of popular items, like sandwiches, remained the same. “We’re still a relatively cheap café by any means” they told Massive.  

Massive insider, who is secretly passionate about Eggs Benedict, reported a price rise from $8 to $9 in that particular food item. Although upsetting, I think we can all be grateful that Tussock isn’t Abany’s Scholar Café, where a basic Eggs Benedict is a whopping $17.90. Sometimes Auckland scares me like that.  


Horoscopes (vol 3)


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