Turnout for Palmy’s 2am Bullrush protest “disappointing”

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After much hype, around 40 to 50 people were the only ones to turn up to the 2am “Bullrush in the Square” in Palmerston North on Sunday 2 May. The event was planned as a response to the soon-to-be-implemented City Council policy of a 2am curfew for bars and clubs in central Palmerston North, changing from the current 3am curfew. 

Just over 2,000 people responded that they were interested or going to the event, which was posted on Facebook only a few days earlier on 29 April by a local DJ and full-time raver, Mason Spooner. 

After the event, Mason posted “I’m disappointed in you palmy, about 30-50 people, mostly watchers. Build ups as”, followed by a broken heart emoji. Ouch. 

Mason told Massive that he intended for the bullrush to be a fun event for the community. 

“[It’s] something that I feel would be more effective at stopping violence than shutting the bars at 2am. Especially at this time when the hospitality industry is struggling because of Covid-19,” he said. 

He says that he wasn’t surprised by the relatively poor turnout, as the curfew won’t be put in place until August, a sentiment that was also expressed by some commenters on the page. Confusion may have also been caused around the date and time, with the page stating 2am on the morning of 1 May as the official time. 

Commenter Sean Hadou King said, “[Poor turnout] might have something to do with the fact that you posted the wrong day/time and the 2am curfew hasn’t been passed at all yet. Quite ironically if everyone was to turn up for your bullrush at 2am... you’d be the one encouraging a 2am bar curfew.” 

Student Kurt hadn’t heard of the event at all. “Better advertising would probably help too since this is the first that I’m hearing of this.” 

Sarah, another Massey student, said she didn’t go but would have liked to watch it happen because she is not a fan of the new curfew. “I think it creates more dangerous situations because there is nowhere for drunk young people to go after 2am. Probably would have a better turnout at the bullrush on the first day of curfew.” 

Here’s hoping for another bullrush closer to the curfew. C’mon Palmy, you beautiful breathers! Unite! For the greater good! 


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