Students swipe goodies out of Exec bags

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Wellington Student Exec staff are left disgruntled after witnessing several students swiping several products from the free MAWSA tote bags that staff provided for O-Week.  

Tessa Guest, MAWSA President, says “People are rummaging through our tote bags and taking whatever they desired. I’ve seen people taking Red Bulls, boxes of condoms ... and I think it’s pretty disrespectful, to be honest. MAWSA has limited resources and we’re trying to supply something fun and interesting for all of our new students.” The MAWSA bag contains an Harraway Oat Sachet, a Massey University notebook, a box of Durex Condoms, a Red Bull, an O-Week guide (designed by Massive lol) and some advertising pamphlets. Pretty juicy stuff.  

Tessa witnessed one of the thefts in plain sight, saying “I was frankly shocked. I sat in my office, well I was panicked, I froze. I couldn’t believe that people were openly coming in, taking something out of a bag and then just walking away. That shocked me and they’d gone by the time I’d really processed that had happened.” She hopes that going forward, students will be more conscious of others, but says that these occurrences are just the rare minority. “Everyone’s wonderful,” she gushes, repressing the trauma deep inside of her.  

As Massive has published a feature in this issue about how to swipe free shit from around campus, we can neither discourage or encourage this kind of behaviour. But next time, don’t forget about the porridge sachets. You can make some good edibles with them.


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