Palmerston North students welcome new karaoke bar


Students have a new nightlife destination in Palmerston North as karaoke bar ‘Flavour Bar’ opens its doors on Main Street this month.  

The news has been met with great excitement from Palmy students, especially with the recent closure of the classic China Inn (rest in peace, you will be missed), which was formerly the only dedicated karaoke bar in the city. 

Students praised the new destination as “something new to do in this shit town”. Student Amy said “Fuck yeah. I can do a mean “Hot and Cold” by Katy Perry.” Ex-Massey student Jack even reckons he “would absolutely road trip to Palmy and force all my buddies to sing there, just to see if it could compare”.  

Owners Viet and Shaniya have confirmed that the bar will be catered towards the student budget. One drink purchase gives customers access to the karaoke bar all night, and students who present their IDs will get a discount off the cocktail menu. None of this ‘buy a drink per song’ bullshit to run us dry of our very limited funds.  

Viet was prompted to open up the bar with the intention of “bringing fun to the students” and “being student-budget friendly”. Shinaya loves the idea of “mixing it up a little bit”, with themed events and competitions being planned to be held regularly throughout the year. 

Flavour Bar will be open Friday and Saturday nights in the Flavour Bistro restaurant, which is located on the Main St side of the Downtown Complex. Personally, I can’t wait to hit it up on a Saturday night after pre-drinks, get hyped.  


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