Students disappointed after multiple ANZAC Day services cancelled


Students are disappointed that many ANZAC Day services were cancelled and hope to see the number return to normal next year.

A campus accommodation trip to the Auckland War Memorial Museum’s ANZAC day service was cancelled on the Massey University Auckland campus due to a lack of sign-ups to partake in the trip. Many students made their own way to services.

“Massey Halls Auckland always offer a trip to the Anzac Day Dawn Service in Auckland City each year,” said the Albany campus accommodation manager Kelly Manning.

“Some years we’ve had interest and other years we have had to cancel the trip due to very low numbers and this year we had no bookings.”

Other students were disappointed that the university cancelled the trip.

“It’s bullshit. Whilst I understand why safety is a concern, but students should be allowed to make their own choice whether to attend,” said nursing student Madison Harrington.

“Some students do not have access to their own cars, and an organised trip from the university would be their only way to attend the services.

“ANZAC day is about remembering an important part of our history; students do still care and want to partake in the services.”

Fellow Albany student Petra Gough said she also understood the safety concerns in light of the terror attack in Christchurch but was still disappointed.

“It’s understandable that people are scared but ANZAC day is still an important day to remember our history.”

58 ANZAC day services around Auckland were cancelled this year due to security threats in light of the Christchurch shootings.

The New Zealand terror attack warning level was reduced to a medium and 26 services went ahead, with armed police as additional security.


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