Solicited Advice

Solicited advice is a weekly column where an underqualified anonymous guru answers the questions you want answered. This won’t include the stock-standard, sugar-coated advice you’re used to hearing – we’re talking about the truths that are REALLY on your mind. 

Do you have a question you’re dying to have answered? DM Massive Magazine on Instagram and look out for next week's issue. Also, follow us while you’re at it x 

I don't like my degree but I'm 2 years in, what should I do? 

Most people will tell you to follow your heart, but I, not so humbly disagree. Yes, wasting a final year doing a degree you don't like is annoying, but it's less bad than wasting the last two years and coming away with nothing. Even if you end up going into a different field, it shows people that you were able to stick something out, and will make for a good example for a job interview when they ask you weird situational questions. 

Of course though, you know what's best for you etc., so you should decide and not care about what others think.

How to save money as a student?

Spend less. Figure out why you are spending money and what you are spending money on and have a good assess about whether what you're spending money on is inline with your goals and values. 

It's unlikely that your values are spending $50 on Mecca face cream, a $20 121 door charge and your life savings on UberEats. 

Is blackmailing ever okay?

Yes, if it's a man. 


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