Premila Morar: fashion superstar

Premila Morar’s piece featured on the cover of Vogue India

Massey University is no amateur when it comes to producing highly talented and inspiring young professionals, and fashion superstar, Premila Morar, is the most recent example of this.  

Currently completing the final year of her Fashion Design degree, Premila has already made a big leap into the world of global fashion. Her most recent success is having her exquisite, handmade yellow jacket featured on the cover of Vogue India.      

Like most big artists, Premila comes from humble beginnings. “I grew up on a farm in Pukekohe, a country town in South Auckland,” she says. “Since I was a young girl, it’s always been fashion!”  

On the topic of her recent Vogue India achievement, Premila says, “It’s always been my dream to have my work in fashion magazines, but I never expected it to happen like this!”  

“It all started with London-based creative, Anita Chibba, who is originally from the same town as me in Pukekohe. Anita is the founder of the platform ‘Diet Paratha’ which celebrates South Asian creative talent worldwide. Anita saw my Insta post about my yellow jacket and asked if she could wear it for a shoot she was doing for Vogue India.”  

“I honestly have Anita to thank for making this dream come true!”  

This achievement didn’t happen overnight though. Premila’s creative talent and recent success stems from a lifelong dedication to the fashion industry.  

“I’ve wanted to be a fashion designer for honestly as long as I can remember! I’ve always loved dressing up from a very young age and loved all aspects of fashion as a whole, ranging from catwalks to shopping to everything else in between.”  

It was only natural for Premila to end up studying Fashion Design at university, and now in her final year, she has acquired a broad range of skills that have already proven hot across the global creative scene.  

“I have absolutely loved my time studying Fashion Design at Massey. I have learnt so many new skills and developed new creative ways of thinking which have ultimately shaped the designer I am today. Everyone inspires me, from my tutors to my classmates to the environment.”   

We can see from the bright colour and distinctive outline of Premila’s yellow jacket that she is not afraid to break the boundaries of conventional fashion attire. Asides from university, Premila also finds her inspiration in everyday life.  

“My inspiration comes from anything and everything, from Instagram to music. I always pick something I’m passionate about, and then everything grows from there.” 

“As a designer, I like to respond to social concerns and be designing for a purpose. It’s more motivating to me to see an area that I could add my creativity to and then work towards it, similar to my yellow jacket method.”  

The vibrant flare of her outfits and bold, unique designs isn’t the only thing Premila strives to achieve in her work. 

“Comfort always plays a huge factor for me, both when designing and buying/wearing clothes. Design-wise, I love an array of bright colours, big silhouettes and garments that represent an intention.”  

And of course, Premila has her favourite designers who further fuel her passion and enthusiasm for the craft.  

“My favourite designer of all time would be Versace. I love the brand’s ultra-glamorous creations and their use of bright colours. For my upcoming project I am looking into Hussain Chalayan for his out of this world innovation, and Rei Kawakubo for her extravagant avant-garde creations.”  

“I’m currently working on my fourth-year project, where I’m looking at futurism and how fashion design can mediate the connection between technological advancements and the human body.”  

If her previous fashion designs are anything to go by, the finale of her project will be something worth looking out for. To keep up to date with Premila’s latest projects and designs, give her Instagram accounts @premilamorar and @morarfashions a follow!  










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