Solicited Advice

Solicited advice is a weekly column where an underqualified anonymous guru answers the questions you want answered. This won’t include the stock-standard, sugar-coated advice you’re used to hearing – we’re talking about the truths that are REALLY on your mind. 

Do you have a question you’re dying to have answered? DM Massive Magazine on Instagram and look out for next week's issue. Also, follow us while you’re at it x 

How do you reject someone nicely? 

Use this meme:  




What should I not include in my tinder profile?  

More than one photo that was taken at the same time. Your height, unless you're short then maybe put a trigger warning. Every photo being of you alone, or selfies. Any kind of serious bio. An Imagine Dragons/Machine Gun Kelly (they are two sides of the same coin and you cannot tell me I'm wrong) song as your anthem. Weed emojis. A bio that slags anyone off. An incorrect age from when you fraudulently made facebook pre 13 and now your age is always older than it actually is. More than one photo of your car. Anything that is misrepresenting your intentions. Hunting pics (this is a given at this point).  


When is it fine to fuck on the first date?  

  1. When everyone is enthusiastically consenting*; and  

  1. When you have protection.  

*A perhaps neglected aspect of consent in my view is what I shall call "emotional future planning" consent. Check you are both on the same page, does one of you expect this to be a one time thing and the other think this is the beginning of a relationship? Are you going to feel used if this ends up being a one time thing and you didn't think it would? Make sure you have a chat about this stuff, if you see fit. If you can't have this kind of conversation, you probably should reconsider any of the physical stuff.  


‘Shrink your focus’ when it comes to climate anxiety  


Editorial 7  - To fuck, or not to fuck?