SLA merger delayed after concerns by Massey

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Despite months of promising that student execs will merge Service Levy Agreements (SLAs) at the start of the second semester, the merge has now been delayed until September after concerns were voiced from Massey. The SLA merge would mean that, where each executive previously submitted different proposals for funding from Massey and received different funding accordingly, the executives would now submit one combined SLA and receive a pool of funding.

The four student executives initially submitted a proposal to Massey that involved ASA receiving all the SLA funding, and divvying it amongst the executives. However, MAWSA President Tessa Guest confirms that there were concerns from Massey about ASA being tasked with this much financial responsibility, so “we mutually decided that it would be in the best interest of our associations to hold the agreements as they currently are for the next few months” (AKA, it was delayed). Kinda funny seeing as this merge has had 10 years to materialize.

The executives now want the contract to be held by Massey University Students’ Association Federation (MUSAF), not ASA, however MUSAF isn’t currently in a position “to hold the contract”. Tessa says they are in the process of recruiting a staff member to hold this contract alongside each of the presidents.

If you want to know more about the SLA merger, flick ahead in the mag to read our run-down of what the fuck any of this means.


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Massey is no longer accepting ANY new domestic students for the rest of the year