Sexcapades (vol 8)

Being on Tinder (illegally) had become my favorite hobby as a 17-year-old girl. I’d landed upon a fairly decent guy that I thought was a perfect prospect to up my body count & progress towards gaining sexual experience. He wasn’t bad-looking and seemed nice enough. He was a little on the short side, but hey the sexual tension was absolutely wild.  

After a couple weeks of cringy sex talk over Snapchat, we decided to finally take the plunge and meet face-to-face. He agreed to pick me up in his car and take me somewhere private to do the deed. We drove off one Thursday evening, telling him I had to be back by 10 because I had school the next day and I simply could not miss English first period. As we pulled into the place, my stomach dropped. He had taken me to the fucking Awapuni racecourse.  

The sun hadn’t even set yet, but he swung his boot door open a little too eagerly. Despite being in clear view of literally anyone and everyone, I could see that like a racing horse, him and his stallion was ready to go. ‘Fuck it’, I said to myself. My big ass squeezed into his tiny car boot, and we started going at it.  

Midway through, his penis slipped out. As he tried maneuvering it back in, I thought ‘allgood, he knows where everything goes’. Boy, did I think wrong. Just as eagerly as he opened the boot, this boy shoved his testicles right in my booty hole without hesitation. A scream let loose out of my mouth, pushing him off me immediately. I was 17 years old, sitting in the back of a car boot at a well-lit racecourse, with a fiery hot asshole.  

To this day, I don’t know if it was a genuine accident. But, I will never find out. We never spoke again. 

Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox 




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