Sexcapades (vol 2)

Sex is complicated. Made more complicated by the fact that, for some reason, I can’t stop doing it outdoors. I feel like a freak, but I’m also having great orgasms so it’s hard to feel too guilty. Help me Massive. The other day I was literally clit out against a tree, knees bent, the works.  

It was like a scene out of fucking Bridgerton. Only I’m not shagging a fancy duke, I’m blowing the petrol station attendant that helped fill up my tank an hour ago. He was really nice about it, okay? He didn’t even make a gross joke about filling up my tank. I think I might be seeing him again next Thursday, he wants to take me to a BYO with his flatties.  

And yet, the urge to expose myself in public continues. Not in-front of people, obviously. But there’s just something so boring, so mundane about doing it in a bed. I want to feel the fresh air on my cheeks!!! I want to feel the salt water lap my pussy. I want to feel alive, dammit.  

I could get arrested!!! How the fuck am I meant to tell my mum and dad that, oh I don’t know, I’m in jail for getting dicked down in a bus station? I think I might also really like this guy. What if our time in a park was just an exciting one-off for him? How do I explain that I like it, like that, all the time? Maybe I’ll try opening a window next time I’m making out in bed. I hope like hell that works. But on the other-hand....I’ve always wanted to do it in a Burger King carpark.... 

Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox   


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