Sexcapades: The tale of the two Emilies


Me and my girlfriend have been dating for the last 4 years, and we’ve been wanting to mix it up a bit recently. I know we sound like a fucking old married couple, but idk, the sex has just become a bit too domestic for our tastes. Quick missionary, kiss on the cheek goodnight, roll over routine. So, we started talking about threesomes. My girlfriend has one friend in particular that I’ve had my eye on for some time, she’s just this really hot flirt who always joins me when I want a ciggie outside a club. I tried casually bringing this up with the missus, real subtle, like “how about your friend Emily” and surprisingly, the GF agreed. It was fucking game time. Got the pubes trimmed, had a shower, the works. GF said that Emily was coming round in the evening and was, I quote, “up for anything.” I was practically drooling like a mutt. A knock on the door later, and a random chick turned up. Quickly pulled the GF aside, asked her very politely what had happened to Emily. Turns out, she had two friends called Emily! No hot ciggie girl for me, but rather a very shy, timid girl who was in her tut class. Didn’t want to waste the opportunity, still did the deed, but couldn’t get the original Emily out of my head. How do I tell my girlfriend that we had a threesome with the wrong friend??

Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox


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