Sexcapades: Always wash your sheets

I have a guilty confession: I like to sleep naked, and somethings I leave skid marks. It’s just one of those things that you learn to live with, because honestly, sleeping naked is a joy I wouldn’t give up for anything in this world. Well, the other night, I brought a girl round. We’d been on a couple of dates, had fucked at hers a bit, but this was her first time coming to mine. I really like her, she’s just cool and up for anything, especially sex wise.  

So, we were getting hot and heavy, the usual, when she suddenly jumps up and says she’d like to be gagged. Fuck, it was sexy. The only trouble is, it’s not like I had a natural ball gag with me, and I wasn’t about to stuff one of my nice Huffer t-shirts into this chick’s mouth. So, we use my single top sheet, which had curled up towards the end of my bed. Tie it around her head, stuffed into her mouth, she was really frothing it. Balls deep at this point, just having the time of my life.  

But that’s when I saw it: A large, brown streak mark strewn across the sheet gagged in her mouth. I couldn’t hide my look of horror. She smelt it first though, obviously. Maybe even tasted it, I’m not sure. All I knew was that in a matter of seconds she was ripping the sheet off, desperate to get out of there. She grabbed off her stuff and made a break for it, can’t say I didn’t blame her. Now she won’t answer my messages, again not totally surprising. Really shoulda washed the bed.  

Got a confession, a naughty tale, a sexy story? Email to submit yours xoxox


Horoscopes (vol 11)


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