Recipe to recover from fucking up your recipe

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The secret to the perfect roast lamb requires patience, love, and devotion to the final product. In terms of the meat, I can’t recommend a classic leg of home kill enough. Nothing beats it, although I recognise this won’t be a viable option particularly for our Wellington and Albany readers. The next key part of a roast is your veggies. I typically would opt for potatoes, kumara, parsnip, and … oh shit. I just realised I don’t have any of the veggies lol. You can’t make a roast without vegetables. No one wants a plain hunk of meat on its own, unless its 1am and you’re feeling alone, lol. 

Okay, it’s okay. Fucking up the grocery shop can happen to the best of us. It’s 5pm on a Sunday and there’s not a chance in hell I’m hitting the supey at its peak time. Guys, it’s all good, we can recover. 

  1. Make sure your device is charged, and open up the website for Mount Cook Kitchen (Wallace Street). 

  2. Carefully go through the options and select as many or as little as your heart desires. Don’t worry if you don’t understand what any of them mean. Just trust the process. You can never go wrong with a scoop of hot chips. 

  3. Wait the designated time until pick up. 

  4. Pick up the goods, and hope the owners don’t recognise you from having been here for the third time this week. 

  5. Arrive home. Pour yourself the strongest kind of gin and tonic. 

  6. Devour. 

  7. Sit and listen as your happy belly grumbles with joy. Hot chips. What a blessing. 


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