Pasifika associations gain another two MUSAF seats in consultation


Proposal for a full organisational merge between the students’ associations recently went to consultation with students, which has led to Pasifika students’ associations gaining another two seats in the voting structure of MUSAF.  

Tessa Guest, MAWSA President, said there was strong support for the proposed changes, which included better Māori and Pasifika representation.  

“There were also concerns voiced about only two out of three Pasifika association representatives being present on the board. We responded to this by creating two more seats so all 10 general, Māori and Pasifika associations could be represented,” she said. 

MUSAF acts as an umbrella which connects Massey’s students’ associations. The current MUSAF structure awards each association one vote each, after a move this year to extend voting powers to the three Māori associations. Overall, there are seven votes in total. 

The new proposal sees a total of 16 votes, after an initial proposal of 14. Five votes will be distributed to the local general students’ associations, consisting of a general chair, M@D, MUSA, MAWSA and ASA. Seven votes will be distributed to the local Māori students’ associations, consisting of a Māori chair, Manawatahi, Te Waka o Ngā Akonga, Kōkiri Ngātahi, a Distance Māori rep and two further Māori reps. Four votes will also be distributed to local Pasifika student associations, consisting of a Pasifika chair and three Pasifika reps. 

Feedback regarding representation was a big concern for many students in the consultation according to Tessa, with many requesting for other communities to have their own board seats. 

“Whilst we wholeheartedly agree that there are key voices to be heard, we are pushing the limit with numbers of board members, and believe it is paramount to capture each voice that currently has a seat.” 

She said the work is constantly evolving, and MUSAF is open to continue working with students. Consultation will continue to be developed in the coming year. 


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