Opinion: The Massey App Sucks a Big Bag of Dicks


O-Week 2021. A painful week full of cancelled events and Covid-19. Sure, if you tackled lockdown last year at Massey you would know the drill. But what about the rest of us? First-year students across all three campuses were relying on a vague knowledge of the classes we were enrolled in and the Massey App to keep us alive during O-Week and week one. In a cruel twist of fate, Covid-19 came along and crashed the party (literally). Night-time events were postponed and daytime events were shuffled around or canned entirely (RIP those free lunches we missed out on). 

When is (enter event here) happening? Wait, do we have a tutorial today? These were the questions many students were asking as we turned up to deserted hallways and empty classrooms. During the first week, I managed to wait in an empty room for half an hour with two other students before we finally discovered that the tutorials did not start until the following week. I also ended up going up the wrong stairwell and getting completely and utterly lost… all while I was standing about 10 feet from the lecture theatre I was trying to find. Oh, and the time I found out the personalised tours had been cancelled, yet when I hesitantly walked into the MAWSA space I discovered the tour guides sitting around wondering why no-one had shown up. What is to blame for all this confusion, you ask? The Massey App. 

Not only did it decide to completely disregard what was actually happening during O-Week, but it also told lies about when and where we were supposed to have classes. In the words of one of my lecturers, no, I do not remember which one, don’t become one of the timetabling people at Massey. Everyone will hate you. After experiencing their cruel ways myself, I have to agree. I mean, how hard is it to link Stream and the app to automatically update our timetable when the tutorial times are released? 

In conclusion, the Massey App is utter dickbaggery. Bring back Flappy Bird and get rid of this shit, or shape up.


Horoscopes (vol 4)


Massey is about to overhaul your non-tuition fees. Do they care what you think? Yeah, nah.