Jenny's coffee cart reopens on Welly campus after three years closed
Tussock Cafe has reopened the coffee cart in Wellington's Pyramid, and has plans to reopen the one in the old War Museum too.
In the corner of Wellington's Pyramid, a coffee cart named 'Jenny's’ has sat closed for the past three and a half years.
Jenny, who has worked at Tussock Cafe for years, manages the stand that is named after her.
She says, "We are trying to create more of a vibe in that area, so we'll how it goes.”
Jenny missed running the cart, “It's nice to be back.”
However, the cart may not remain open, “We don't know how long it will last, it all depends on how busy we are.”
The cart closed due to construction work, and the Museum cart closed at a similar time due to lack of student engagement.
But as more classes are held in the Museum building, and a new staff member being hired to man the cart, Jenny hoped it will be busier.
Jenny's cart is open Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 1pm, selling coffee, donuts, scones, muffins, and other snacks.