MUSAF merge consultation leaves MAWSA over budget

Monopoly man stands outside the MAWSA office.jpg

MAWSA’s budget reforecast has revealed a deficit of $25,159 thanks to merge consultation costs, which has now been extended to 2022 despite previous plans to have consultation finished by Week 6 this semester. MAWSA President Tessa Guest said the budget has normally run at a surplus for the last few years. “There’s nothing wrong with that, but it’s actually really important for us to use what we have, so we can show that the funding we receive is necessary,” she said. 

Tessa said at the MAWSA executive meeting that, although there is a deficit, some parts of the forecast will absorb some of the loss. However, she can’t go into specifics due to commercial sensitivity. “Our staff are working proactively to generate more income, and we feel optimistic that this will also soften the blow.” 

The reforecasted budget is to allow for the potential costs related to MUSAF’s merge investigations. “Costs have largely revolved around travel and accommodation for student reps to attend hui, and remunerating unpaid reps for their time spent working on this, as well as recruiting a staff member to assist MUSAF in governing the single SLA,” Tessa said. 

Tessa said this expenditure has come after careful consideration and the executive all believe it is important to do justice to the project. “This is a temporary situation - we’re in a very comfortable position going forward.” 


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