‘Mostly’ no internal classes under Level 2

Massey has made the decision to keep learning ‘mostly’ online for everyone where possible for the rest of semester despite being in Level 2. 

Campuses still opened under Level 2, with facilities like the library and recreation centres and student services free to use within certain safety measures. 

A Massey spokesperson said the measure was taken after consultation with the student associations and student representatives, and with the updated Government guidance around the Delta variant of Covid-19 in mind. 

“At Alert Level 2, the Government’s advice is ‘reduce’ and at Massey (in Wellington and Manawatū as Auckland remains at Alert Level 4) we are wanting to reduce risk, as well as provide students with consistency. In following Government guidelines, we want to ensure our approach is the safest one for our staff and students that need to come to campus,” the spokesperson said. 

They said that the decision to lock in this approach for the rest of Semester 2 was to give students clarity and certainty for the rest of the university year, and to minimise disruption to learning and teaching if alert levels shift again. 

“We’ve had lots of positive feedback from both students and staff who appreciate the ability to continue to learn online, and come to campus when needed for their learning with the appropriate controls in place,” they said. 

Massey said the decision had to take into consideration the diverse make up of students across all cohorts. 

“We are aware of students feeling anxious about returning to campus in the Covid-19 environment, so we are doing our best to strike a balance and keep everyone safe during this Delta outbreak.” 

An internal student whose classes are all online now told Massive that they didn’t get the point of it and they were concerned that they now weren’t getting their money’s worth. 

“I just feel like we if we can’t come into physical classes on campus, then what are we paying for? Will courses that cost more internally be reimbursed, since they’re all basically distance now?” 


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Horoscopes (vol. 21)