Massey’s Pūhoro STEM Academy to receive 2.97 mil


$2.97 million in funding, rolled out over three years, will be given to the Pūhoro STEM Academy, Associate Minister for Māori Education Kelvin Davis announced today. This funding will mean that thousands of tauira will have access to the programme, referred to as a “transformational springboard for Māori secondary students” which provides pathways into tertiary study. 

Pūhoro STEM Academy was launched in 2016 following low engagement of young Māori in science and technology career pathways. Pūhoro’s goal is to develop a community of Māori leaders in science, engineering, innovation, and technology. Since it launched, Pūhoro has garnered over 1000 students across Aotearoa. 

Massey’s Vice Chancellor, Jan Thomas, says in a press release, “To see Māori students take their rightful place within the fields of science, engineering and technology is a positive demonstration of our aspiration to be Te Tiriti led and Massey’s commitment to improve educational outcomes for iwi, hapū and whānau.” The Deputy Vice Chancellor Māori, Professor Meihana Durie, adds, “The additional boost for Pūhoro today recognises the ongoing puāwaitanga, or fruition of this initiative in ways that also recognises the rapid and growing demand from rangatahi Māori across STEM related areas of study.” 

This funding will allow the programme to grow to cover 5000 students all across the country. 


Stop complaining about Māori scholarships


Horoscopes (vol 12)