Losing your D-card: What’s it like doing drugs for the first time


Like everything, Covid-19 really affected the New Year’s partying scene with many people believed to have had bath salts when they were told they were taking MDMA. It’s a bit fucked up that there are still no free testing stations in New Zealand. But, having potentially laced drugs isn’t going to stop all of us party-going students from trying them.    

Massive took a trip down to the local uni café and asked a bunch of randoms about their experiences on a particular drug. I listened and wrote out the verbal-diarrhea. So, if you’re a little curious or can’t be fucked trying ‘em, here's a bunch of different students’ experiences on the eighth wonder of the world… DRUGSSSS. 

“I had just started uni and met a bunch of girlfriends who wanted to do a hiking trip up Tongariro. At the top of the beautiful mountain overlooking the glacier with a sore knee, me and my now best friends smoked the phattest doobie. That was the most painless and giggly hike I’ve ever done. Probably up there with one of the best days of my life – not just because of the weed but the fact that I had found a better pain killer than Panadol. It’s been a year since I tried it, and nowadays when I have it; it’s mostly to relax if I’m having bad ovarian pains. Otherwise, I love having it with a glass of red and throwing acorns at the local teenagers hotboxing their cars in my driveway. It also makes me horny as fuck… that’s probably just me though. Overall a great time.”  


“I took a full tab and wasn’t prepared at all for that night. I somehow was made to drive a car, luckily nothing bad happened there. Later, a woman locked me in a room with her and I lost my ability to communicate or move. I was lucky again that night as one of my friends came to rescue me. After that shit time, I had an unbelievably fun experience with someone else who was also tripping.”  

“It makes me feel like it doesn’t matter what I’m doing or what anyone else is doing at the time. The mundane can be the sublime. However, there are times when instead of gazing at the world, I’d spiral and reflect on myself in a bad way. So, when you’re feeling down and depressed/anxious with low self-esteem, it can make you feel uncomfortable and broken. If you take too much, the trip can last for days. My comedowns from LSD have all SUCKED.”  

“I pissed myself at a party after half a tab. Like soaking pants, stain on the living room floor kind of pissed. Was too fucked to stand, let alone clean it up. Instead, I sat there for three hours and convinced other people to also piss themselves. Kind of feral, but also very fond memories looking back.”  

“I snorted it in a mate’s room one afternoon. We went for a walk then and a party for a good time. I’ve taken it more since that first time and have found that if I have a cap to myself and spread it over the night I don’t geek out. Whereas, sometimes when I’ve taken a cap or two at once, I just lose control of the direction of my night. It can be fun feeling like a pilot operating my body and my only job being to not fall over.” 

“Gear makes me social, chatty and very confident. I don’t do much anymore because I used to take it to guarantee that I would have a good night regardless of who I was with. But now I’ve made a great group of mates that I end up having a good night with regardless. The high is great, but the comedowns can be mad, when I’m depressed, the comedowns are even worse.” 

“I just grinded my teeth like a freak. Made sure to bring chewing gum for the next time. Oh, and the first time on gear is never that good, would recommend the second time.”  

Bath salts (mistaken for MDMA) 

“It was coming up to the latest New Year's Eve, so I found a guy who could sus me some gear. I got four grams of what I thought was MDMA. At Northern Bass, I took three caps. I was letting my mates all have some cheeky finger-dips and eventually they all went to bed. I went into a tent which felt like the walls were jumping at me. I was trippin’ thinking that there was constantly a dog behind me barking. There was an old man in my right peripheral vision, each time I looked back he wasn’t there anymore. I couldn’t sleep at all but felt so damn tired. I sat out on a camp chair until my friends got up. The friends who had finger-dips were all like ‘what the fuck was that shit?!’ Obviously, I wasn’t going to have any more of my stuff, so instead, I had some of my mate’s MDMA. Then it happened AGAIN! It was even worse the second night. I eventually got to sleep after four days, I found it so fucking horrible.”    

Ketamine/Ket/Horse Tranquilizer 
“Last night I tried ket for the first time. I’d just come back from work and was with all my flatties that were drinking but I forgot to get some beersies before I came home, so my mate offered me a line of ket. After the line, I decided to have a cone and then sat down and watched my intoxicated flatties fuck around. It felt like I was sinking into the couch and watching everyone through my eyeballs felt like I was being a director through the lens of a camera. I started to see the room around me not as my flat but as the set of a slightly below budget student sit-com. Eventually, I had slow somber bogies in the kitchen with my boys, we had lavish plans to start a stage show dancing based on friendships and feelings. Today I don’t have a comedown, I’m just a little tired.”    


“When I first had coke, I started throwing knives at my flatmates. I just do really destructive shit every time. To be honest, it just feels like MDMA but doesn’t last as long and is overpriced as fuck… MDMA makes me want to love and cocaine makes me want to destroy.”  

‘Shrooms/Magic Mushrooms  
“Me and my girlfriend ground some up and drank it with orange juice. After 45 minutes of watching cartoons, we stated to feel the effects and decided to turn the lights off. We kissed and I became hyper-focused fingering her on the couch. All my blood felt like it was rushing to my fingertips. We started fucking and I swear the tip of my penis grew an extra billion nerve endings. The sex-fest went on for two and a half hours. When I closed my eyes, I was seeing these sexual geometric shapes that radiated throughout my entire being. After the sex, I got up and fainted. This was partly due to not having much food with the ‘shrooms and also because of the energy required to fuck for two and a half hours. I would fucking definitely do them again. It was the most spiritual, sensual and sexual experience of my young life.”   

Nos/nangs/nitrous oxide/laughing gas 

“I was in my friend’s shitty car in Matamata. I saw this light beaming through the window and I heard holy music in the background, as he pulled out a canister of nangs. I said, ‘My friend, father, savior, let me try this holy gas.’ I took some of his holy gas and spaced out for 30 seconds. It felt like I was falling in the ocean. I wouldn’t do it again because I think nangs is just a quick way to go fuckin’ brain dead. I would prefer a cone. I wouldn’t recommend doing nangs if you haven’t done something low-key like weed first. I didn’t have any comedowns, but my mate had a gnarly headache the next day. Overall a good time. 7/10.”  

“I took half a bar of Xanax for my first time in the USA with a tad of cocaine. I don’t remember much apart from floating around in a pool with a girl holding me up so that I wouldn’t drown. I couldn’t feel any part of my body. Overall, it was awesome, it was kind of annoying not being able to move my body but having the sense deprivation apart from the feeling of the water around me was amazing. The girl was whispering sweet things in my ears about stars, and it made me feel really good. I did vomit that night though. The comedown just felt like a shit hangover.” 


“To me, 2CB just felt like another psychedelic – a bit like ecstasy. I didn’t plan to do it (which I think is important to do prior to doing psychies). I was in a Jucy rental with my mates down south in the Milford Sound. It was the heart of winter, so it was fucking cold and dark. Being in a van while losing my mind on 2CB was too much to handle. But once we left the van and looked at the moon, sky, and stars it became magical. It was an intense five-hour trip which came to an end, whereas, when I’ve taken LSD, I would sometimes wake up after my sleep and still be trippin’ a bit. The comedowns weren’t as bad as I had expected, but the lasting effects of having an intense/unplanned trip, made me feel ‘off’ for the following days – mentally speaking. I probably won’t do it again in the foreseeable future.” 


Best places to cry on the Manawatū campus


Horoscopes (vol 4)