How to Adult: Managing Flat Bills


Paying bills can be a bitch. Shit costs money. For the unfortunate soul who has to calculate, estimate and pay the bills, you tend to spend more than you hoped just to keep things running. Here’s how to stay on top of flat bills, and piss off your flatties as little as possible in the process.  

Firstly: Math 

I know it’s not fun but even just whipping out your phone calculator is enough.  

Internet is a set price every month, it’s a good starting point. Work out how much everyone needs to pay every week to meet the monthly Internet bill. For example, a $90 bill between 3 people comes to $30 per person per month, and $7.50 per week.  

With a constant starting point, look at power. Same time every 2 weeks or month, the changeable aspect is how much you have to spend on it. Get an average every season. Let’s say it’s usually between $15 and $20 per week over summer. Estimate $5 over, split it per person and bam, that’s how much you add to the weekly cost.  

Lastly, the other set price things like Toilet Paper, Washing Powder, Hand Soap, Rubbish bags. The price stays the same every time, but how often you need them often changes. Calculate the cost of each item, chuck it in your notes on your phone. 

Take Stock 

Every week, scour your flat and check things bought at communal expense. TP, Washing powder, the likes. If it’s getting low but isn’t out, pretend it is. It’s better to stock up early than run out of toilet paper, trust me. Your flatties may not thank you for the pre-emptive expense but their wiped asses and (hopefully) washed dishes will. 

Have a Flat Account

Figuring out how much you need to spend every week is hard enough when you’re mathing out the bills you’ve got to pay. Trust me, it’s twice as hard when that money is mixed in with your Studylink or work account. It’s a trouble you don’t need, and it’s easy to look at all the money in that account and think you’re fine, then end up cutting into your own cash because you miscalculated.  
 Lastly: Communicate 

Hit up the flat chat every week. Tell them “This is how much I need from everyone and here’s why.” Screenshot your bills, keep the grocery receipts. Your flatties can get extra grumpy when the bills are higher than usual and you can’t say why.  

Managing bills can be a thankless job, but if you’re someone who likes to keep organised and not have a shit credit score, it’s worth the hassle. It’s better to have a cranky flatmate than debt collectors on your ass. Plus, it’s a good skill to have under your belt. 


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