Horoscopes (vol. 6)

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Your birthday has either just been or is coming up, be prepared for a big year. This age in particular is going to be a memorable one. Stop underestimating your work, you’re doing really well so take a deep breath and remember to take a break! Also, you don’t need to be the one to skull the most alcohol in order to be recognised at parties. Chill. 
Your spirit drug for this week: Weed 
Spend some more time embracing these last sunny days – you specifically need it. Pick some flowers and light a candle in your down time this week. I know you’re desperate for a cuddle but learn how to cuddle yourself first. You mightn’t be open to change but try open up a little to this new venture, it’s time to switch things up a bit! 
Your spirit drug for this week: MDMA 

You’ve been thriving on stress and it kills people to watch. Your imagination is beautiful, don’t be afraid to bring your fantasies to life! Don’t stress about your assignments as much as you have been or else you’re going to crash in the holidays and be a bit of a bitch to be around. You’ve been a great match maker this far into the year. Go you! 
Your spirit drug for this week: 2CB 
Be careful what you choose to manifest! You do your best thinking when you are next to water so ensure you’re spending some time near the ocean to think. Clarity is what you’re needing to get at the moment and by putting off some confrontations you’re limiting your needs! Get a grip and go get what ya need! The confrontation won’t be as bad as you’re expecting. 
Your spirit drug for this week: Alcohol 
You have a big persona and some of your decisions have been a little vain of late. It’s not necessarily a bad thing but it can’t hurt to relax a bit. Don’t tire yourself out by going to things that you don’t need to. It’s a week of reflection, be grateful for what you have and embrace the love around you! Satisfy your cravings, get a lolly mix! 

Your spirit drug for this week: ‘Shrooms 
Analysing things is great but don’t let your judgements ruin your chances of making new friends. You’ve been a great help and although you mightn’t feel like you’ve got the satisfaction you deserve, the universe has paid attention and you will be repaid! Your brain runs a million miles a second – take a deep breath and use your knowledge to overcome your next hurdle. 
Your spirit drug for this week: Nangs 
Don’t procrastinate on this decision for too long, you’ve got the right idea, listen to your intuition! Wash your face better as part of your morning routine – you need to feel as refreshed as you’ve been looking. You’ve been great at taking into account everything around you, what an open mind you have! Get yourself a nice treat – you’ve earnt it! 

Your spirit drug for this week: DMT 

You are the most sexual sign of the star signs – unleash! Get an STD check as even the slightest pain in your urethra isn’t normal FYI. You’ve been sharing a lot of yourself with people you don’t need to, learn how to say no. Change your sheets, there are undetectable cum stains that have been there for too long. 

Your spirit drug for this week: Ketamine 

You listen with your heart and not enough with your head. It’s not bad to be an emotional person, but don’t let it overtake your logical thinking when it comes to life decisions. You are so friendly and are attracting the right people, don’t be afraid to give them a piece of your heart. We all know you low-key love Karaoke – get back at it! 
Your spirit drug for this week: Cocaine 
You’ve been enjoying the ‘little spoon’ life and that’s great! This could be a wonderful opportunity! You may have realised that quantity isn’t as good as quality and this is a great time to figure this out. Compliments are the key as well as suggesting the right drinks. Let your crafty side run wild this week, you’ll be surprised what can be done with your hands.   
Your spirit drug for this week: Acid 
You may have hurt some of the people closest to you, it doesn’t hurt to apologise as relationships can be mended! It’s okay to feel unsatisfied but ensure you’re doing your best to regain that satisfaction – that can mean going out of your way to eat nice food or buying more sex toys to add to your funky collection. Be true, be you – it’s okay to cry. 
Your spirit drug for this week: Lean 
You’ve been like an old person trapped in a young person’s body lately. Don’t be such a party pooper! You’re bright and the stars are wanting your attention – reach for them and conquer! Romance is important to you and that’s great, embrace this part of you! Maybe limit your caffeine as your brain is slowly burning-out. Thank god for the uni break. 
Your spirit drug for this week: Codine 


Snorting myself silly: Massive takes it up the nose


Opinion: Health Education in schools needs to be more drug focused.