Editorial: The online world is taking over…

Tēnā koutou, e hoa,

I can feel the jitters running through my body, my palms are sweating, my knees knobbling, and my heart racing as I long for a physical copy of Massive Magazine. I know, it doesn’t quite feel the same without the premium paper between your fingers, but we’ve made a commitment to continue creating a full magazine, at a consistently high level - so here’s the next best thing!

Anyways, enough with the doom and gloom, nau mai to Massive Magazine’s first-ever online edition! After a kōrero with Massey distance students, who cannot get ahold of physical copies, and considering the number of students studying off-campus due to Covid-19 restrictions, we thought this was the best approach to ensure all walks of Massey are able to have a connection with Massive.

To kick off the digital issues in the right way, I thought I’d discuss the three best things about being online… I’m really trying to make the best out of a bad situation…


Yes, I start off with the conventional answer, the one that will please the people. Accessibility is a major problem Massive has had in the past. For the past few years with Covid-19 ever-present in our lives, being on campus and indulging in a paper copy of Massive Magazine is not as common as it used to be. And let’s be honest, who is actually attending classes every week? Nowadays, with courses being created with working from home in mind, who isn’t taking advantage of sleeping in and not being on campus, I know I would be.


Picture this, it’s 6:45am, you’re waking up with plenty of time to gather your thoughts before you set off for your 8am lecture - which you never miss. The first thing you do is open your phone, click two buttons, and then Massive Magazine and all its glory is before your eyes. Before it’s 7:15 you’ve already skimmed through all 40 sweet, sweet pages. Your smile is wide, there’s a pep in your step, and you are ready to smash the day!

Also, we’re all super environmentally friendly nowadays, so saving some trees every couple of weeks can only be good karma.

Saves me some bloody time

The honest answer, and one I’m not all too proud of. But it’s just REALLY nice to have a bit more leeway to create better content for all of you! With an online edition, I get time to put some TLC into the magazine you hopefully read weekly.

Here at Massive, we go to print on Wednesday night, a week before the magazine hits the stands on campus. With an online version, we don’t need to pull tooth from mouth to submit something to the printer until it’s actually finished.

I digress! We’re super excited to dive into some serious (and not so serious) topics this week. Also, apologies for the abundance of spelling errors in the printer version of issue 1 - first issue jitters x

Ngā manaakitanga,

Mason Tangatatai


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