Editorial: Hello Darkness my old Friend

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Ah hello, old friends. Good to see you back in these parts. It’s been a while, right? 

Let’s address the elephant in the room: Lockdown is back, baby! And my God, it feels a bit fucking depressing. But I think we can collectively agree that Massey is actually doing a pretty decent job of looking after its students. A huge shout out to the staff working behind the scenes to help with welfare and support during this time. 

With the comeback of Covid, I felt increasingly unsure what Massive should do. What it should post. Should we be funny, make some jokes? Even if that’s potentially in the face of people genuinely suffering during this lockdown? Or should we just make posts about news updates, even if it’s just regurgitating what most people have likely already seen on 1pm updates? To this day, I’m still genuinely not sure. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. In the meantime, we’re still making mags, even if that’s just digital for now. 

As for me, I’m not going to lie, the last two weeks have been hard. I flat with strangers, not friends. They’re lovely people but we don’t really have anything in common apart from collectively all using toilet paper. So, it’s just been me, and my bed, for the past two weeks. Hot stuff, right? 

Every day I see Insta stories of people looking cheerfully happy. Like good for them, but I honestly don’t know how people are making bread. I don’t know how they have the energy to make TikToks and host themed cocktail nights. I am just...surviving. If I eat something other than toast, it’s a win. I have no energy to do ANYTHING apart from rewatch Parks and Rec for an embarrassing number of times (for fellow fans: I feel like Ben in his Claymation stage). So, for anyone who feels the same way: you’re not alone. Lockdown is hard. That doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing. Keep getting tested, get vaccinated, and we can ride this thing out together. 

Massive is, at the end of the day, just a bunch of students doing their best. Talking some shit, making some art, having a yarn. But still, we’re here for you. If you have a newsworthy story, let us know. If you have a weird sex dream, let us know. We’re a little community, and in times of peril, communities come together. We’re here for you. I hope you’ll be here for us and excuse this shitshow of an editorial. I honestly don’t even know how we managed to make this magazine. Well, I do, it’s because of my fucking amazing staff. I love you guys. Bless. 

To round it off, here are some of my notes app observations for the past week: 

Putting salt on buttered toast really can...do so much. I’m so grateful for each precious grain. 

Why does no one talk about how an entire subplot of Bridget Jones Diary had to be cut because of casting decisions. In the books Bridget literally does a big interview with Colin Firth. But then the movie cast Colin Firth as Mark Darcy, so all Colin Firth mentions had to be stripped from the plot. We need more discourse about this. It’s insane. 

I hope the man at my local dairy likes me. He seems nice. 

Honestly shocked that rats haven’t come due to the amount of food wrappers and plates I have on my floor currently. Why aren’t they coming? Have I done something weird to turn off the rats? Like I don’t want them, but honestly a little offended that they don’t want me either. Huh. 

Stream Solar Power. That’s all. Live, laugh, Lorde. 




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