Editorial 6 - I got Covid-19, here’s some tips if you do too!

Hello lovely people,  

Welcome to the sixth issue of Massive Magazine! Sadly, this is our last issue until we come back after the mid semester break, hold the tears.  


I vowed not to flood Massive Magazine with Covid-19 content this year, but here I am, about to give you my personal recount of me getting Covid-19. I know many readers will have had a similar experience to me, but this is more for those who have yet to catch the bug!  


We speak about this virus like it's a mythical beast, you know, like one of them minotaur from Narnia, it just doesn’t feel that real until that second blue line starts to fade through the pink RAT solution. For me, the moment I tested positive I was shocked. I wasn’t shocked because I had finally caught this virus that seemed so far away, it was more that this ‘thing’ was now inside of my body, and I was at its mercy.  


I know everyone who catches Covid-19 reacts differently. Simply put, there are a shit ton of variables that decide how your Covid-19 experience will play out. Luckily for my sake I think I’ve gotten off on the easy end. I had one day of fevers that put me through hell, but the other six days have consisted of a measly cold, a lot of gaming, and even more microwave meals than usual.  


An aspect of Covid-19 that I feel like gets ignored is long Covid and the lasting effects it can have on your health. Long Covid is self-explanatory - it’s simply having Covid-19 symptoms long after the expected incubation period. Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath, cognitive dysfunction (which people call brain fog), as well as fatigue.  


While there's no proven way to avoid long Covid, it’s important to note you shouldn’t treat life as t normal once you finish your seven-day lockdown. Continue to take it easy for the next few weeks, especially with physical activity as the effects of long Covid can linger for three to nine months, or years at worst.  


If there's a single takeaway from my Covid-19 experience, it’s that rest is important. You may only have Covid-19 for one week of your entire life. Don’t try to take shortcuts on your road to recovery, give your body a fair chance to get back to 100 per cent. It ain’t worth the risk!!! 


Ngā manaakitanga,  



Worst of the Worst movie reviews - Redline (2007)


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