Culinarylingus (vol 1) - Kombucha/Beer Crepes


 Let's be real, no one here is traveling across the globe, so here I am to bring a bit of France to 

you this week BUT with a TWIST! Not only do these flat-fuckers taste good, they’ve got pro- 

biotics in them (if you use the kombucha instead of the beer) so they’re kinda… healthy? I make 

these often because they’re cheap, easy, and you don’t have too many dishes to clean up after. 

Yes, this is an original recipe that I made up on the spot, and I have been told that my cooking is 

questionable, but trust me it works and they tasted great according to the three men in my 

House. Plus even if they taste shit, hopefully the beer ones can still give you a quick buzz.  



1 cup of flour 

¼ cup of brown sugar 

¾ cup of kombucha OR beer of your flavour choice 

3 tbsp butter – melted 

2 eggs (or 2 egg replacements) 

1tsp vanilla essence 

1 cup of milk 

So here’s the recipe… 

1. Slap some flour and brown sugar in a big bowl. Add the kombucha (I used raspberry 

lemonade flavour) or beer and whisk it all in with a fork/whisk/fancy machine. 

2. Add the melted butter and mix that shite in followed by the eggs, vanilla essence and milk. 

3. Once that’s all mixed in, the consistency should be runny like spunk. If not, add more milk. 

4. Get your Kmart/Warehouse non-stick fry-pan out and put it on a mediumish heat. 

5. Put some butter in the pan, wait for it all to melt and maybe even bubble a bit? If the butter’s 

burning within 10 seconds of having it in the pan, you’re doing it wrong… turn the damn heat 


6. Get a ladle in that spunk-like concoction and pour in the middle of the pan. Move the pan 

around to get a nice circular shape with the mixture. Presentation is key. 

7. Once the crepe is no longer looking runny in the pan, flip it. Keep cooking and flipping till 

each side is browned to your liking, then put on a plate. You know how to cook a pancake, we can be real here.  

8. Voilà, a crêpe on a plate. Add whatever you like on-top. Ham and cheese is a nice savory 



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Profile: James Warrender